This set of MCQs helps students to learn about an embedded processor which is a microprocessor designed especially for handling the needs of an embedded system. Embedded systems require less power, so these processors are very small and draw less power from the source.
Which is the first device by Intel, that started the microprocessor revolution?
Which is the first microprocessor by Motorola?
Motorola MC6800 is a how many-bit processor?
How many accumulators does an MC6800 have?
How many bits does an accumulator register of MC6800 have?
What is the purpose of an accumulator?
Which of the following is the area of memory that is used for temporary storage?
How a stack is accessed?
What is the range of values an 8-bit register can store?
What is the address range in 80286?
Which one of the following is the successor of 8086 and 8088 processor?
Which is the processor behind the IBM PC AT?
Which are the two modes of 80286?
Which register set of 80286 form the same register set of 8086 processor?
Which are the 4 general purposes 16 bit register in Intel 80286?