Analyzing Huge Amount of Data with Cloud-based IoT Analytics

This is a computer science engineering quiz on IoT (Internet of Things), which includes questions on analyzing huge amounts of data with cloud-based IoT analytics.

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What Bigdata collects?

Human generated data Sensor data Machine generated data Device data

What IoT collects?

Human generated data Sensor data Machine generated data Device data

Which requires data stream management?

Bigdata IoT Bigdata & IoT Device data

Which requires Edge analytics?

Bigdata IoT Bigdata & IoT Device data

The IoT operates at ___________ scale.

Machine Human Device Sensor

One way to see observations addressing IoT analytics is?

4-Tier Analytics 2-Tier Analytics 1-Tier Analytics 3-Tier Analytics

Which tier Performs individual wind turbine real time performance?

3-Tier Analytics 2-Tier Analytics 1-Tier Analytics 4-Tier Analytics

Which tier performs predicts maintenance?

3-Tier Analytics 2-Tier Analytics 1-Tier Analytics 4-Tier Analytics

Which tier is data lake enabled core analytics platform?

4-Tier Analytics 2-Tier Analytics 1-Tier Analytics 3-Tier Analytics

For supporting real time edge analytics, we need to provide detailed data.

True False

The temperature and humidity sensor values are printed in _________


_________ installer we have to installer to make sure that the request package is installed.


PIP stands for _________

Package Management System Python Package Index PIP installs packages Python Management System

PIP is _________ acronym.

Excursive Recursive Intrusive Package

We will use pip installer to make sure that the _________ Package is installed.

Requests SDK IoT Accelerator Maven
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Analyzing Huge Amount of Data with Cloud-based IoT Analytics
Questions: 15
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