Prototyping Embedded Devices: Part of the Hardware/Software Codesign Process

This is a computer science engineering quiz on IoT (Internet of Things), which includes questions on prototyping embedded devices.

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What do you mean by micro in microcontroller?

Distance between 2 IC’s Distance between 2 transistors Size of a controller Distance between 2 pins

What is the bit size of the 8051 microcontroller?

8-bit 4-bit 16-bit 32-bit

Name the architecture and the instruction set for microcontroller?

Van- Neumann Architecture with CISC Instruction Set Harvard Architecture with CISC Instruction Set Van- Neumann Architecture with RISC Instruction Set Harvard Architecture with RISC Instruction Set

Number of I/O ports in the 8051 microcontroller?

3 ports 4 ports 5 ports 4 ports with last port having 5 pins

Is ROM is used for storing data storage?

True False

SCON in serial port is used for which operation?

Transferring data Receiving data Controlling Controlling and transferring

Program counter stores what?

Address of before instruction Address of the next instruction Data of the before execution to be executed Data of the execution instruction

Auxiliary carry is set during which condition?

When carry is generated from D3 to D4 When carry is generated from D7 When carry is generated from both D3 to D4 and D7 When carry is generated at either D3 to D4 or D7

What is order of the assembly and running 8051 program? i) Myfile.asm ii) Myfile.lst iii) Myfile.obj iv) Myfile.hex

i,ii,iii,iv ii,iii,I,iv iv,ii,I,iii iii,ii,I,iv

Timer 0 is a ________ bit register.

32-bit 8-bit 16-bit 10-bit

The use of Address Latch Enable is to multiplex address and data memory.

True False

Which pin provides a reset option in 8051?

Pin 1 Pin 8 Pin 11 Pin 9

External Access is used to permit ____________

Peripherals Power supply ALE Memory interfacing

What is the address range of SFRs?

80h to feh 00h to ffh 80h to ffh 70h to 80h

How many interrupts are there in micro controller?

3 6 4 5
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Prototyping Embedded Devices: Part of the Hardware/Software Codesign Process
Questions: 15
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