How to Create Folders and Upload Files in MeritHub Drive?

Folders can be created and files can be uploaded in MeritHub Drive from inside the classroom or outside the classroom.

  1. Select the Drive option on the home screen of the particular organization in which files are to be uploaded. If you want to upload the file inside the classroom, then please select the Drive option from the left-side navigation.

  1. Click on the Pencil icon in the bottom right corner and select whether you want to create a new folder or upload content.

  1. Add title description and tag for the concerned file. You can also mark the checkbox against List it on MeritHub for open use if you want to share the file publicly. You can also allow downloading of the file.

  1. To add a file choose a file from the system or simply drag and drop it at the designated place. Click on the Upload option to confirm the uploading of the content.

  1. To create a folder click on the Create Folder icon and add Name and Tags and click on the Create option to create a folder.

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