Writing Composition: Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements

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This printout lesson will teach students how to create appropriate topic sentences/thesis statements depending on the nature of their writings.
1. Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements

Topic sentences and thesis statements:
OP ea eon lm ml aelilit ey
© Can be written in any tone: serious, humorous, encouraging, inspiring, etc.
« Can change tone depending on the purpose of the paragraph and the
Cee a eee cslenae eine cm OCR velCager Ie
PRO ee see TURcine om ele Behm glee cero
ECG Nek mae emg ere ele Mec sTiete ia mec
ietsuite cia ec COs tcm
Paragraph assignments in all subject areas require strong, clear topic
ostete or nmi CES r on n
© Math: My classmate and I found four examples of isosceles triangles in
inca eslie eG RM CeCe et eae cc een e
* Science: Today in science we learned how scientists use adult herring
PaVICR en rocim CCH e AY ace
* Literature: Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird” reminds us all of the
ee UUETNnaritece mien cs
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2. Occasion and Position
Analyzing Your Topic Sentence

Dear eec cle CRi cna ee acd
« areason for writing (occasion/topic/subject)
© statement about what the writer plans to prove or explain
IO Re ee a a om eG RN acne oe CE EO ee UTA
Peele caters
Example: Although Prohibition during the 1920s and 30s banned
PB UGE Moree Coal a
(emer t 1)
LS Ra ae SOE Ee ako
All topic sentence styles, however, can be analyzed by applying the terms
Cres Ug set Cty
Examples: 1, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt showed great concern for the
suffering of our nation’s poor. (Action Topic Sentence)
{occasion) - Eleanor Roosevelt
(ere Tee esa ea le
2, Eleanor Roosevelt found several ways to promote the rights
of women in our country. (Number/Power Statement)
{occasion) - Eleanor Roosevelt
Ser ce OR etd
3. During her years in the White House, Eleanor Roosevelt
traveled to many parts of the country to support the New
Deen eenCMm eeu eS em Pcie Bec le cut 2)
{occasion) - Eleanor Roosevelt
eli see Twa cm eZ ee eed
Cee een ere oes erate cd 4184
Action Verb Topic Sentences

ems) H
Our science group H identified H two important
i i Cel UY ccm ented
! ee avec
Mitre i stresses i good nutrition and
ll ll Pye ue td
| MES tones

* Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and

third president of the United States, designed several buildings.

CUR re ame mie Cake ae MECN OM EC Ce TBS sete co |

Mn tel eee CON eu ORL ers RL Ew OR

Wildfires in Indonesia forced many orangutans from the jungle onto

palm oil plantations, where they were not welcome by people.

At last night’s city council meeting, our mayor encouraged everyone
Pome m eR aa

Hurricane Katrina destroyed parts of the Louisiana and Mississippi

Lenker im

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4. Where or When Plus What’s Happening

Where or When AVE Elrsoied

ia aoa acne citizens conserve energy in


DiMatteo twa M eT RFR NTA my team and J met several

Color meer im er tsteh pce

Pere fa CUR ROO Led

taught me to love poetry.

¢ Each year our family vacations at Blue Bell Lodge in the Black Hills of

EP Niree seem ase a ROD eom wie SUM occ d

part of Afri

ER eA Ute Mee R Ie NUNC eRe Nee MSN SU SE UE ee neem

. choices about what to eat.

Before each vocabulary test in science, I use two strategies to learn

PU eek Re cke me meee lid

CB spite mecC Mee eee small Biot Rcn eter Cree emus Uber aT

Devas iat eee tce imo Roi oe Niall

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5. s with two parts. The occasion
you plan to prov
words called
So that
Though # While
@ When

6. PNY Pe SU ee ee Le

iireteter em eit
[em ites nm tom tae i
pint onensreeyioed ‘and ___we learned how to use a
Pini lencaey Ree ets eA

PES eames m iT ibut _jazz. is my favorite.

MBs amie eR ery
en oem eee i
Pee ees ey eRe m Rane Canettl
art students offered some
i helpful advice.

EB ioe Cece tek WE ced eer eM loam nem eed eee Nema LHW OTS)
EU Di ceRs ec eo Re eB) oRee UR OR RC ECMO Ree Zeck ORS OTL con

Caste Neel M ener ct ester MC Bse Men Me a TLR UES CORN Key ar -TUMT Mme ms eC Mars
ifice the industrial arts electives offered in most high schools.

EMR aioe Amacom erm Oke MCR BTN Costa PescOm Lome er) COMA LCod
Perea Re Cres Osea Lier RSTO oR ees

ee {Eero Bc ita eee

7. © Power statements, us’
or explain.
¢ The number word lets a
word he’
# A couple of
void starting with “Th
Statements with:
- Who
ces, contain number words. The number word
is the focus point of the sentence. It points out your position—what you plan to prove
know that a list of information will follow.
ps you, as the organize your thoughts. The number word
@ Various
Anumber of

8. nts, used as topi
contain numbe
is the focus point of the sentence. It points out your position—what you plan to prove
¢ The numbe
* The numbe
also helps the reader.
@ Four
# A couple
void starting
ts with:
rd lets a reader know that a list of information will follow.
helps you, as the wri
- What
your thoughts. The number word
@ Various
Anumber of
". Instead, start your Pow

9. # Despite In spite of
Due to @ Inste
@ In addition to
to another word in a
din a phrase: Without
@ Outside
@ Through
@ Throughout
@ Without
With the
eption of

10. ords that show the relationship of one word to another word in a
sentence. Prepositions do not stand alone. They are always used in a phrase: Without
funding, Throughout the coun
© The prepositional phrase in a topic sentence introduces your occasion—your reason for
writing. The rest of the sentence shares your position—what you plan to prove or explain.
° ording to = Beyond in of # Outside @ Within
@ Along with Despite @In spite of Over @ Without
@ Afte Due to Inste Since With the
Among During Through
Because of For i Throughout
By From r Under
Before in Until
Besides @ In addition to With

11. For a compare or contrast writing assignme as must be organized to show how
concepts or items are alike or different.
Use any of the topic sentence strategies for these writing tasks. Just add one or two of the
following compare/contrast words to your
# Identical The same
In common Twins
® Compar @ Like Unlike
® Contrast ® Opposite Variations
Resemble @ Varied
Similar @ Vary
Similaritic ® Worse

12. Rhetorical Question Plus a Statement

e elton 7 Rieveern
Is peace in the Middle East | Many Americans believe itis.
Peters a 7
EVR emetic ioe 7 Before you do, consider both
in aviation? Pte al retrace
PAR reece Tease yey
7 PM iti emer
Bence M te coke Wire tce MPL \_Try associating them with
Praitail nau aoe ed 7 Perey ute ta vboT aa Cert)
of vocabulary words? Pesan)

¢ How are community centers meeting the needs of teenagers? In
cur city, they provide places to gather, help with homework, and
scholarships for summer camp.

Geo else eileen ctmel Uses Nem LE Rie wm eet Bey

a * Should high school students be required to participate in

EBV heb Oe a a Ae eRe UC eM ee ese

ee PPencrorm | epee
13. ever is a part of a group of words call
to divid dent clause
first clause as your o¢
your position—what you p
© However and other conjunctiv are easy to use
Therefore @ In fact Nex
Consequently # Instead
@ Likewis
# Neverthel
* When you use
andacomma- ;h
1 a semicolon

14. TTR Belt aes
Me) les ied

ivaila eae eee ay eP eetscess i a

Music helps people relax; PE ron RIC UST Aen

[resent ierCoke WRT ST CHWs SON

PE a ewe ae me J
FUE CULE etn it also has its disadvantages.

ERC iestitarenee ly coe ee Bit meso skew Rew Eircom Cer Om EeS

ta ovate eo

CBee Rr Shee ACen Me COE eMac Rec ums iting

iter aes

RES eon Ree Uke UE LRN e UR An Reed

be dangerous.

@ Macc eo a ew dene ere

how you use it,

ar] Rc te nT |

15. Infinitives in Topic Sentences
To +a Verb
BUrreern SOM ster)
BUS ceteris
our New Year's dinner,
To prepare for college,
SOUR Mis tem ester Neruetesh
a person must establish clear
mee ee cel on
Pa Me nsr. rt W LaCem test
incredible culinary surprises.
high school students should
rl ekoairc bu Weert
POoraicme econ
Peer ne a reres BUNT ROOM ITU mers
the best materials.
CBee eee Bi Ree eM Sp eam ice asT TOme ao
CM CeS cee Meee Ce Aled Gere OR eB EOE rmU eT BOL e sued
Pe Cake dee 11 CN
CMRP emcee mace merece TTT sree exc leteR Hiro ATL ted
manufacturer suggests.
* To win state championships, athletes must work hard and practice

boreal td
16. gO Temi MRM ey
Topic Sentences

il a

ee a newis eRe le ce iccnieO Mee ee has alkenes!

ed M om or Ree emer Tes Lt 0

PR e tae a Uae ec Rao Une mm Ree

the highest quality materials.

CRBC ROO MRC M Raa UE Mallet Riera it CrecseN

BiJulrem Wom Diste te Nos mes mite Cosnecnt Conte

CRO na Rey m ic Me oRcer cad aterm CO Eon


© Soccer, a popular sport in other countries, has become a favorite


PB Rome AGM ROS BNO Re Me eer aes

ee | _ Reerer Peer te PT)
17. Using a Quotation in Topic Sentences

Perea Cd met CW Rey eco ie

© When Mark Twain said, “Wrinkles should indicate where the smiles
have been,” it really reminded me of my grandmother.

ERR a eM CBee Recess UE eRe eee
of the proverb that says, “Never give advice in a crowd.”

Action Verb Topic Sentence/Side hy Side Topic Sentence

Re etre ir ela NR kere cera CM ICRI Mm Tl Geter cre CoB lem Zerr)
fetes se MAD VOR ATO CH ete eT ae elm trols sem ec A

© Some say “there is no ] in TEAM.’ I believe that to be true.

A Rhetorical Question Plus a Statement

we your parents ever told you that “only boring people get bored”?
Pewee OL einem emit sm ewer Om

Mem Oe UR Ber yong

boys are not cruel [to animals].”

ee (em Petts rates ae
Lists in Topic Sentences

A list of words

¢ Computers offer convenience, speed, and tools for accuracy.

PRC direc Cems eed

PW ened

EB sce sms Mieke ORONO BION CR neeremLe se eos

fo Essen MEU Ae EM ans ARCOM LAN et TENE

¢ My grandparents prefer to vacation in Mexico, in the Northwest, and

Pen eRe on

A list of dauses


I met of teachers from Ri PBierlizecm ioe wa id
Pin Resmeae con

ERNE meee CUE RO MNCS MMU CD ew comics mult

Puree ee RL eae UA

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