Exploring the basic knowledge of economics

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This booklet is designed with the aim of looking at the cause, effect, descriptive, compare and contrast, sequence, and problem-solving text structures. It involves various fun-based activities which enhance the creativity and knowledge of the students.
1. Exploring
Text Structure:
Basic Economics
Looking at: Cause and
Effect, Descriptive,
Compare and Contrast,
Sequence, and Problem
and Solution text
Created by
Julie Mulherin
2. Notes about this product:
o Thank you for downloading this freebie! If you like it make sure to check out the other text
structure packets. There is a Social Studies and Science Bundle, a Holiday Bundle, and
individual topics available in my store.
o There are many different ways that I use these text structure sets. I mix it up with my
students, but no matter how I use them, I feel like my students benefit! The more text
structure practice they have, they better they get at identifying the structures!
o I hand out one single paragraph page each day during a week. Students highlight their words
and try to figure out the text structure. I walk around and check students’ ideas. Once I
verify the correct structure they unfold the page and start working on the organizer. After
we complete each individual paragraph together, I have students complete the page with all
the paragraphs on it as an assessment.
o Sometimes I randomly hand out the single paragraph pages to students. I have them fill out
the organizers and get into groups of 5. I make sure each group has someone with each text
structure. After they share with their groups, I have the students individually fill out the
page with all the text structures on it. This helps hold my students accountable during
sharing time.
o I love to use these pages during guided reading! We look at the page with all the paragraphs
on it. Then I focus on one text structure and use that individual page.
o Thank you for your purchase! Be sure to leave feedback to earn credits for future
o Feel free to email me with any questions or for suggestions for future text structure
products: llamawithclass@gmail.com
I hope your class enjoys learning about text structure!
3. Name______________________ Text Structure: Economics
Text is written differently depending on the text structure. Match the correct
text structure with each paragraph.
Compare and Contrast Descriptive Sequence
Cause and Effect Problem and Solution
Text Structure: ___________________ Text Structure: ______________________
Stores change what they sell and how much Imagine you had to pay for something very important, but you
things cost based on what the consumer wants. already spent all your money. This could be a big problem. A budget
This is called supply and demand. The supply is can help you organize how you spend your money so you don’t run
the product that can be purchased and the out of money. Budgeting your money can help you plan for big
demand is how many people want the product. expenses in the future. For example, going on vacation can be very
Since it is cold in the winter, the demand for expensive. To solve the problem of an expensive trip, you can save a
swimsuits is low. This means that swimsuits little money at a time until you have enough.
will be cheaper in the winter. In the summer,
however, a lot of people need swimsuits. This
Text Structure: ______________________
high demand causes swimsuits to cost full
Money has changed over time. First, people used to trade or barter
price. On a really hot day, ice cream will cost
when they wanted something. Then, people began using items to act
full price because lots of people want a cool
like currency. For example, the ancient Mayans used to use chocolate
treat. An ice cream store might have a sale on
as money. Next, people created coins to be used as money. This made
a cold day because the demand for ice cream
currency more standard, but it weighed a lot! Later, paper money
will be lower.
was used. Today, many people pay for things with a credit card or
banking apps. How do you think money will change in the future?
Text Structure: _____________________
Running a business is hard work! Business Text Structure: _______________________
owners have to be very organized and People spend money on both goods and services. A good is an actual
determined. They need to keep track of all the item that you can buy like a toy or a car. A service, however, is
expenses a business has. They also need to make not an actual thing. When you pay for a service, you are paying
sure to pay employees and order enough goods someone to do something. For example, mowing the lawn or dog
to sell to consumers. A business owner is in walking are services. Sometimes a business can provide both goods
charge of the decisions to make their business and services. For example, a car shop might sell tires and also put
successful. Running a business can be very them on your car. Businesses can sell both goods and services and
rewarding but also takes a lot of effort. consumers can buy both too.
!Julie Mulherin 2016
4. Name_______________ Economics Causes Effects
Can you determine the text structure used? Read the
paragraph below and highlight key words that help you
determine text structure. Fill out the text structure so
and unfold your page to fill out the organizer.
Possible Text Structures: *Sequence
*Compare and Contrast *Problem and Solution because
*Cause and Effect *Descriptive
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
Stores change what they sell and
how much things cost based on what the
consumer wants. This is called supply
and demand. The supply is the product
that can be purchased and the demand is
how many people want the product.
Since it is cold in the winter, the demand
for swimsuits is low. This means that
swimsuits will be cheaper in the winter.
In the summer, however, a lot of people so
need swimsuits. This high demand causes
swimsuits to cost full price. On a really
hot day, ice cream will cost full because
price because lots of people
want a cool treat. An ice
cream store might have a
sale on a cold day because so
the demand for ice cream will
be lower.
Text Structure: because
!Julie Mulherin 2016
5. Name_______________ Economics Topic
Can you determine the text structure used? Read the
paragraph below and highlight key words that help you
determine text structure. Fill out the text structure
and unfold your page to fill out the organizer.
Possible Text Structures: *Sequence
*Compare and Contrast *Problem and Solution
*Cause and Effect *Descriptive
Supporting Details
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
Running a business is hard work!
Business owners have to be very
organized and determined. They need
to keep track of all the expenses a
business has. They also need to make
sure to pay employees and order
enough goods to sell to consumers. A
business owner is in charge of the
decisions to make their business
successful. Running a business can be
very rewarding but also takes a lot
of effort.
Text Structure:
!Julie Mulherin 2016
6. Name_______________ Economics
Can you determine the text structure used? Read the
paragraph below and highlight key words that help you Problems Solutions
determine text structure. Fill out the text structure
and unfold your page to fill out the organizer.
Possible Text Structures: *Sequence
*Compare and Contrast *Problem and Solution
*Cause and Effect *Descriptive
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
Imagine you had to pay
for something very
Important, but you already
spent all your money. This
could be a big problem. A
budget can help you organize how you
spend your money so you
don’t run out of money.
Budgeting your money can
help you plan for big expenses
in the future. For example, going on
vacation can be very expensive. To
solve the problem of an expensive
trip, you can save a little money at a
time until you have enough.
Text Structure:
!Julie Mulherin 2016
7. Name_______________ Economics
Can you determine the text structure used? Read the
paragraph below and highlight key words that help you
determine text structure. Fill out the text structure
and unfold your page to fill out the organizer.
Possible Text Structures: *Sequence
*Compare and Contrast *Problem and Solution
*Cause and Effect *Descriptive Then
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
Money has changed
over time. First,
people used to trade
or barter when they wanted
something. Then, people began Next
using items to act like currency. For
example, the ancient Mayans used to
use chocolate as money. Next, people
created coins to be used as money.
This made currency more standard, Later
but it weighed a lot! Later, paper
money was used. Today, many people
pay for things with a credit card or
banking apps. How do you think
money will change in the future?
Text Structure:
!Julie Mulherin 2016
8. Name_______________ Economics
Can you determine the text structure used? Read the
paragraph below and highlight key words that help you
determine text structure. Fill out the text structure
and unfold your page to fill out the organizer.
Possible Text Structures: *Sequence
*Compare and Contrast *Problem and Solution
*Cause and Effect *Descriptive
Fold here until the text structure is determined. Unfold to fill out the graphic organizer.
People spend money on both goods
and services. A good is an actual item Both
that you can buy like a toy or a car.
A service, however, is not an actual
thing. When you pay for a service,
you are paying someone to do
something. For example, mowing the
lawn or dog walking are services.
Sometimes a business can provide
both goods and services. For example, Services
a car shop might sell tires and also
put them on your car. Businesses
can sell both goods and
services and consumers
can buy both too.
Text Structure:
!Julie Mulherin 2016
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“My students “This was great “This was a great “Loved this
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Julie from Llama with Class
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