Humans and their impacts on the environment

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Impact of Human Beings on Environment
Article · January 2015
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3 authors:
Virendra Shende Kishor Janbandhu
Government Institute of Forensic Science Nagpur maharashtra Institute of Science, Nagpur
Kishor Gopal Patil
Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati Maharashtra…
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2. Impact of Human Beings on Environment Review Article
V. A. Shende1*, K. S. Janbandhu2 and K. G. Patil2
1K. Z. S. Science College, Bramhani-Kalmeshwar, Dist- Nagpur (M.S.) India.
2Department of Zoology, Institute of Science, R. T. Marg, Nagpur (M.S.) India.
[email protected]
Humans have actually reduced yield from ecosystem services, owing to human-induced
changes to components of the Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems along with economic
development. Growth in human populations increased conversion of natural ecosystems to
agricultural, industrial, residential use and demand for ecosystem inputs, such as fresh
water, fiber, and soil fertility, as well as increased pressure on the capacity of natural
ecosystems.Deforestation, expanding agriculture, illegal fishing and hunting, unplanned
tourism, and pollution by pesticides have also caused a progressive deterioration of natural
habitats.The consequence is loss of biodiversity, removal of forest that eliminates food and
shelter, for forest-dwelling wildlife. Environmental pollutants are introduced from
uncontrolled use of pesticides and herbicides. Environmentcontaminate with mercury from
unregulated gold mining, urban liquid and solid waste, including untreated sewage,
introduction of invasive exotic species, unsustainable tourism, illegal hunting, traffic of
wildlife, soil degradation. This biodiversity loss is due to lack of education and
environmental consciousness, and fragility of environmental organizations. If we carry on
losing biodiversity, future generations face hunger, thirst, disease and disaster. It directly
and indirectly contributes many constituents of human, including security, basic material
for a good life, health, good social relations, and freedom of choice and action.
Keywords:-agroecosystem, human, pollution, biodiversity, environment.
Human activities have radically altered the earth’s surface, oceans, and
atmosphere, especially over the past 200 years (Turner 1990), which reminds the
current generation of the warning by Malthus that unrestrained population growth
would eventually be limited by fixed natural resources (Malthus 1798).Factors
other than climate change are also expected to dynamically influence and
negatively impact the efficacy of protected areas. Growing human population
densities, intensified land-use, invasive species, often linked to changes in habitat
heterogeneity, increasing habitat fragmentation and limited dispersal capacities are
threatening ecosystems world-wide and protected areas are often the only refuge for
endangered species. Indeed, the effects of these factors on protected areas can be
further amplified by changing climatic conditions (Vos et al, 2008 and Beaumont et
al, 2009).
Over the period of 1990–2005, the world total forest area decreased by 3.1%,
while the global GDP increased by about 32%. Humans have actually reduced well-
being that they yield from ecosystem services, owing to human-induced changes to
components of the Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems along with economic
development (Diaz, 2006).Following human occupation, there have been
introductions of exotic plants and animals, in a deliberate or accidental manner,
with consequent alterations of the natural ecological communities within the
Pantanal (Alho, et al, 2011). Deforestation, expanding agriculture, illegal fishing
and hunting, unplanned tourism, and pollution by pesticides have also caused a
progressive deterioration of natural habitats. Because of the huge demand for
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3. soybean plantations on the upland plateaus surrounding the Pantanal, the
application of toxic agricultural chemicals is very common (Alho, 2005; Harris et
al., 2005, 2006).
Man-induced mortality of birds caused by electrocution with poorly-designed
pylons and power lines has been reported to be an important mortality factor that
could become a major cause of population decline of one of the world rarest
raptors, the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti). Consequently it has resulted
in an increasing awareness of this problem amongst land managers and the public
at large, as well as increased research into the distribution of electrocution events
and likely mitigation measures (Lo´pezet. Al, 2011).
The biome has been impacted by the conversion of natural vegetation by
human into agricultural fields and pasture for cattle raising, with alteration and
loss of natural habitats and biodiversity. This article discussesimpact of human
beings on environment,future needs and priorities for ecological research, in order
to better understand the biome’s natural system, to achieve conservation and
sustainable use.
Material and Methods:
The present study is designed to illustrate the changes on biodiversity and
environment by human beings, have been documented across different ecosystems.
The authors are documented all possible impacts of human beings on environment.
Observation and Discussion:
Both biodiversity and other ecosystem services—the benefits that humans
derive from ecosystems—are increasingly threatened by human activities
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005).Growth in human populations and
prosperity translates into increased conversion of natural ecosystems to
agricultural, industrial, or residential use, but also into increased demand for
ecosystem inputs, such as fresh water, fiber, and soil fertility, as well as increased
pressure on the capacity of natural ecosystems to assimilate our waste, including
air and water pollution as well as solid waste (Tilman et al, 2001; McDaniel and
Borton, 2002; Aide and Grau, 2004). Economic development has posed serious
challenges to ecosystems and biodiversity conservation. None of biodiversity
hotspots (areas rich in endemic species and threatened by human activities) have
more than one-third of their pristine habitat remaining. Historically, they covered
12% of the land’s surface, but today their intact habitat covers only 1.4% of the
land (Brooks et al, 2002).
Humans have altered ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than ever,
largely to meet rapidly growing demands for resources along with economic
development. These demands have been considered important drivers of ecosystem
degradation and biodiversity loss. As a consequence, the policies and
implementations of both economic development and ecosystems/biodiversity
conservation should be formulated and carried out in the context of the increased
dependence of humans on ecosystem services along with economic development
(Guo et al, 2010).
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4. These environmental threats result in many endangered species. The
environmental threats to the Pantanal’s biodiversity can be grouped under seven
interacting categories: 1) conversion of natural vegetation into pasture and
agricultural crops, 2) destruction or degradation of habitat mainly due to wild fire,
3) overexploitation of species mainly by unsustainable fishing, 4) water pollution, 5)
river flow modification with implantation of small hydroelectric plants, 6)
unsustainable tourism, and 7) introduction of invasive exotic species. More
recently, two other factors have proven devastating to populations and ecosystems,
adding to the list: pathogen pollution, and global environmental change linked to
climate. Major economic activities are cattle ranching, fishing, agriculture, mining
and tourism. Deforestation to convert natural habitats with pastures for cattle is
increasing. The consequence is loss of biodiversity, for example, removal of forest
that eliminates food and shelter, for forest-dwelling wildlife. Environmental
pollutants are introduced from uncontrolled use of pesticides and herbicides,
contamination with mercury from unregulated gold mining, urban liquid and solid
waste, including untreated sewage, introduction of invasive exotic species,
unsustainable tourism, illegal hunting, traffic of wildlife, soil degradation, lack of
education and environmental consciousness, and fragility of environmental
organizations to enhance legislation (Alho, 2011).
Agriculture (mainly soybean) and cattle ranching is prevalent in highlands
but in the northern region of the river basin, mining has been active since the
beginning of the XVIII century (Casarin, 2007). Mining is responsible for
environmental degradation in the region of the Paraguay/Diamantino watershed,
resulting in erosionwith revolved soil due to mining processing. In addition,
deforestation for agriculture and cattle pasture cause erosion mainly in slope
terrains and mountain hillsides of the highlands. Cattle-ranching is an important
economic activity within the Pantanal. There are direct effects on plant productivity
and survival; besides constant loss of biomass to herbivores, grazing usually
results in the introduction of exotic species. Large domestic herbivores affect
vegetation, both directly by consuming a large portion of its biomass and also
indirectly by being selective in preferred items, compacting the soil, foraging on
woody vegetation (browsing) and dispersing seed-propagating species (Alho, 2011).
In many cases the provision of services to the most privileged sectors of
society is subsidized but leaves the most vulnerable to pay most of the cost of
biodiversity losses. These include, for example, subsistence farmers in the face of
industrial agriculture (Lambin et al, 2003) and subsistence fishermen in the face of
intensive commercial fishing and aquaculture (Naylor et al, 2000). Second, because
of their low economic and political power, the less privileged sectors cannot
substitute purchased goods and services for the lost ecosystem benefits and they
typically have little influence on national policy. When the quality of water
deteriorates as a result of fertilizer and pesticide loading by industrial agriculture,
the poor are unable to purchase safe water.
When protein and vitamins from local sources, such as hunting and fruit,
decrease as a result of habitat loss, the rich can still purchase them, whereas the
poor cannot. When the capacity of natural ecosystems to buffer the effects of
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5. storms and floods is lost because of coastal development (Danielsen et al, 2005), it
is usually the people who cannot flee—for example, subsistence fishermen—who
suffer the most.
The loss of biodiversity-dependent ecosystem services is likely to
accentuateinequality and marginalization of the most vulnerable sectors of society,
by decreasing their access to basic materials for a healthy life and by reducing their
freedom of choice and action. Economic development that does not consider effects
on these ecosystem services may decrease the quality of life of these vulnerable
populations, even if other segments of society benefit. Biodiversity change is
therefore inextricably linked to poverty, the largest threat to the future of humanity
identified by the United Nations. This is a sobering conclusion for those who argue
that biodiversity is simply an intellectual preoccupation of those whose basic needs
and aspirations are fulfilled (Diaz, 2006).
The most dramatic changes in ecosystem services are likely to come from
altered functional compositions of communities and from the loss, within the same
trophic level, of locally abundant species rather than from the loss of already rare
species. Direct effects of drivers of biodiversity loss (eutrophication, burning, soil
erosion and flooding, etc.) on ecosystem processes and services are often more
dramatic than those mediated by biodiversity change.
Biodiversity contributes to make human life both possible and worth living.
Human beings are the major source for degradation of biodiversity. Biodiversity is
under significant threat from the effects of human-induced climate. Its loss is
threatening the fulfillment of basic needs and aspiration of humanity as a whole. If
we carry on losing biodiversity, future generations face hunger, thirst, disease and
disaster. It directly and indirectly contributes many constituents of human,
including security, basic material for a good life, health, good social relations, and
freedom of choice and action (Shende and Patil, 2013).
Scientific research is needed to improve conservation on the basis of
scientific methods, in order to discuss the progress, problems and priorities to
achieve sustainable use in the region. Scientific research improves our
understanding of the magnitude of biodiversity, land use, and contributes to
mitigating land use impacts. Incorporating research results into an action plan for
biodiversity conservation is an important part of the adaptive management process.
Most of the concrete actions to slow down biodiversity loss fall under the domain of
policy making by governments and the civil society. However, the scientific
community still needs to fill crucial knowledge gaps.
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