English Grammer

Contributed by:
Ellen Grod
1. Welcome to your lesson, let’s get started!
2. To the Sun and Back: Who is Hye Sea?
Sea wears UV resistant eye protection and
engraves detailed photos using just a “If we can create art & products at a higher standard to keep our planet, children and
families thriving, shouldn’t we?” -Hye Sea
couple magnifying glasses and sun rays on
a wooden canvas.
Sea started her own business called
Magnifying the Sun in which she helps
curious creatives paint with the sun and
create less waste.
Self-employed artists sell their artwork from
a couple hundred dollars to thousands!
3. This lesson will cover...
● 7.9 (D): describe how the author’s use of figurative language such as
metaphor and personification achieves specific purposes.
4. Metaphor and Personification
Let’s begin by discussing two types of figurative language.
Metaphor Used to make a comparison without using like or Example: Her long hair was a
as. The comparison is not literally true. flowing river stream.
Personification Used to give human-like traits to non-human Example: My alarm clock
objects. yells at me to wake up.
5. More Metaphor Examples
6. More Personification Examples
7. Let’s practice (I do).
Let’s practice by matching the following statements to either “A” metaphor or “B”
The bush grabbed the hiker's ankles. ___
The pizza was calling my name. ___
The sun danced happily above the beach. ___
She is an angel. ____
He has a heart of gold. ___
8. Let’s practice (I do).
Let’s practice by matching the following statements to either “A” metaphor or “B”
The bush grabbed the hiker's ankles. B
The pizza was calling my name. B
The sun danced happily above the beach. B
She is an angel. A
He has a heart of gold. A
9. Let’s practice (We do).
Let’s practice by creating a couple of personifications and metaphors together.
Finish each problem below by writing a sentence with either a personification or a
Personify a tree. _________________________________________________________
Write a metaphor for being happy. _____________________________________________
Personify a beach ball. _____________________________________________________
Write a metaphor for being hungry. ___________________________________________
10. Let’s practice (We do).
Let’s practice by creating a couple of personifications and metaphors together.
Finish each problem below by writing a sentence with either a personification or a
1. Personify a tree. Answers will vary: The tree’s branches hugged me tightly.
2. Write a metaphor for being happy. Answers will vary: I am a ray of sunshine.
3. Personify a beach ball. Answers will vary: The beach ball threw itself at me, and I had to catch it.
4. Write a metaphor for being hungry. Answers will vary: That dude is a vulture, he’ll eat anything.
11. Let’s practice (You do).
Now, it’s your turn to practice! Read the passage and answer the question.
As the tsunami of customers trickled Question
to a lazy river, Benji took a deep
breath. It was very busy when he Read the first sentence of the passage. The
opened the restaurant, but now he has author uses figurative language to show:
everything under control. He sighs, and
he is happy to have a small break until A. The number of customers has become
the lunch rush comes. manageable.
B. Customers are coming in and out at a
Benji wonders if he will ever get to take gradual pace.
a lunch break. At this point, Benji is a C. The number of customers are rapidly
ravenous beast. increasing.
12. Let’s practice (You do).
Now, it’s your turn to practice! Read the passage and answer the question.
As the tsunami of customers trickled Question
to a lazy river, Benji took a deep
breath. It was very busy when he Read the first sentence of the passage. The
opened the restaurant, but now he has author uses figurative language to show:
everything under control. He sighs, and
he is happy to have a small break until A. The number of customers has become
the lunch rush comes. manageable.
B. Customers are coming in and out at a
Benji wonders if he will ever get to take gradual pace.
a lunch break. At this point, Benji is a C. The number of customers are rapidly
ravenous beast. increasing.
The author uses “trickled” and the comparison of a tsunami
with a lazy river to suggest that the number of customers
has decreased.
13. Let’s practice (You do).
Now, it’s your turn to practice! Read the passage and answer the question.
As the tsunami of customers trickled to Question
a lazy river, Benji took a deep breath. It
was very busy when he opened the Read the last sentence of the passage. The
restaurant, but now he has everything author uses figurative language to show:
under control. He sighs, and he is
happy to have a small break until the A. Benji is slightly hungry.
lunch rush comes. B. Benji is very hungry and wants to eat now.
C. Benji will wait for the customers to leave to
Benji wonders if he will ever get to take order lunch.
a lunch break. At this point, Benji is a
ravenous beast.
14. Let’s practice (You do).
Now, it’s your turn to practice! Read the passage and answer the question.
As the tsunami of customers trickled to Question
a lazy river, Benji took a deep breath. It
was very busy when he opened the Read the last sentence of the passage. The
restaurant, but now he has everything author uses figurative language to show:
under control. He sighs, and he is
happy to have a small break until the A. Benji is slightly hungry.
lunch rush comes. B. Benji is very hungry and wants to eat now.
C. Benji will wait for the customers to leave to
Benji wonders if he will ever get to take order lunch.
a lunch break. At this point, Benji is a
The author uses a metaphor to compare Benji to
ravenous beast.
a ravenous beast, meaning he is super hungry.
15. If there's time:
Write some additional sentences that show personification and metaphor. Some
you can try are:
Personify a car.
Write a metaphor describing a laugh or smile.
Personify a storm.
Write a metaphor describing the typical school day.
Personify music coming from a concert.
16. You did it! You completed this lesson and learned how to:
● 7.9 (D): describe how the author’s use of figurative language such as
metaphor and personification achieves specific purposes.