The Triangle and its Properties: A 2-D Shape having Three Sides, Three Angles, and Three Vertices

In this quiz, you will be going to solve questions based on triangles, their properties, and different types of triangles.

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How many elements are there in a triangle?

3 6 4 None of these.

How many vertices does a triangle have?

1 2 3 4

How many angles are there in a triangle?

1 2 3 4

A triangle has medians :

2 1 3 None of these

Sum of three angles of a triangle is :

170° 90° 180° None of these

In a ΔABC, if AB+BC = 10 cm, BC+CA = 12 cm, CA+AB = 16 cm, then the perimeter of the triangle is ____.

19cm 17cm 28cm 22cm

A triangle has one right angle. What could be the measure of the other two angles?

20 and 70 30 and 70 60 and 20 30 and 15

If two sides of a triangle are not equal, the triangle is called





If two sides of a triangle are equal, the triangle is called





If two sides of a triangle are added then the result is :

Greater than third

Less than third

Equal to third

None of these

In the Pythagoras property, the triangle must be ___________ .




None of these

A triangle cannot have more than

One right angle

Two obtuse angle

One acute angle

None of all

If two acute angles of a right triangle are equal then the two angles are of

45 each

40 each

50 each

60 each

A scalene triangle cannot be

Equilateral triangle

An obtuse angled triangle

An acute angled triangle

A right angled triangle

An obtuse angled triangle can be


None of all

Right angled


Quiz/Test Summary
Title: The Triangle and its Properties: A 2-D Shape having Three Sides, Three Angles, and Three Vertices
Questions: 15
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