Separation of Substances: Saturation, Filtration

This is an interactive quiz on the Separation of Substances.

It includes topics such as evaporation, condensation, filtration, saturation.

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Consider the following sentences and choose the incorrect one:

A mixture of tea leaves and milk can be separated by decantation. A mixture of wheat grains and rice flakes can be separated by winnowing. A mixture of iron filling and rice flour can be separated by sieving. Water can be separated from salt by evaporation.

Paheli asked for a glass of water from Boojho. He gave her a glass of ice-cold water. Paheli observed some water droplets on the outer surface of the glass and asked Boojho, how these droplets of water were formed? Which of the following should be Boojho’s answer?

Evaporation of water from the glass. Water that seeped out from the glass. Evaporation of atmospheric water vapour. Condensation of atmospheric water vapour.

In which of the following statement is are incorrect?

In winnowing process, the wheat grains being heavy fall down vertically to the ground and form a heap of wheat grains. By using muslin cloth, we can separate mud from water in some extent. By evaporation we can separate oil mixed in water. By sieving we can separate rice flour mixed with kidney beans.

If the saturated solution of a substance at a particular temperature is heated to a higher temperature then the solubility of a substance(s):

Increase Decrease Remains same Little decrease

Four mixtures are given below, which of these can be separated by the method of winnowing?

Kidney beans and chickpeas, pulses and rice Pulses and rice, Rice-flakes and corn Kidney beans and chickpeas, Rice-flakes and corn Rice-flakes and corn, Potato wafers and biscuits

Which method is used to separate pebbles and stones from sand?

Handpicking Winnowing Sieving Any of these

The process of conversion of water vapours into liquid is called





Sand from water is separated by




Sedimentation and decantation

The components of a solution (say sugar in water) can be separated by





Butter is separated from milk by





The property which forms the basis of sieving

Difference in weight

Difference in colour

Difference in shape

Difference in size

A mixture of ammonium chloride and sand is separated by





The process of conversion of water into its vapours is called





……………….. cannot dissolve any amount of substances:

Solid Water Gas Vapour

Larger quantity of salt can be dissolved in water by:

Heating Coaling Icing None of these

Insects are separated from wheat by:

Hand picking Sieving Magnet None of these

A mixture of mustard oil and kerosene oil can be separated by:

Sublimation Evaporation Separating funnel Filtration

A mixture of tea leaves and iron filling can be separated by:

Filtration Evaporation Separating funnel Magnet
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Separation of Substances: Saturation, Filtration
Questions: 18
Contributed by:
Jonathan James