Principles of Semi-Moist Foods, Principles of Food Preservation by Fermentation, Principles of Food Pickling and Curing and Principles of Food Storage Stability

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of Principles of Semi-Moist Foods, Principles of Food Preservation by Fermentation, Principles of Food Pickling and Curing, and Principles of Food Storage Stability.

This includes the following:-

  1. Potassium sorbate solution

  2. Ethylene glycol

  3. Antimycotic

  4. Propylene glycol

  5. Sorbital

Start Quiz

Dog and cat food are prepared for the consumer in _____ form.

Dry cereal-like texture and high moisture content Meat-like texture and high moisture content None of the mentioned Neither of the mentioned

Animal foods must include _____ which prevent the growth of molds and yeast and are adaptable to highly soluble solid concentrations.

Antibodies Antibacteria Antimycotic All of the mentioned

An antimycotic can be added to the product by _____

Application as esters of the parabens Sprayed onto the surface by diluting in water Application as esters of the parabens & Sprayed onto the surface by diluting in water Neither of the mentioned

Which of the following is true about sugar in water soluble solids?

With the increase in moisture, the level of sugar will decrease correspondingly to maintain a certain bacteriostatic effect Its level will vary depending on level of auxiliary water soluble solids, offering an increase in osmotic pressure None of the mentioned Neither of the mentioned

Which of the following property of propylene glycol makes it the most functional as an additive for use in combination with matrix material?

Propylene glycol + sorbital impart softness to product Acts as a mold inhibator Serves plasticizing for texture All of the mentioned

Statement 1: With respect to meat, the red portion contains a salt binder to cause tackiness at temperatures above 48 deg C. Statement 2: The white portion + red portion form an integral mass having interface between layers.

True, False True, True False, False False, True

The admixture of a semi moist animal food is subjected to a sub atmospheric pressure to _____

Prevent expansion of resulting plastic mass in the extruder Enhancing expansion of resulting plastic mass in the extruder Enhancing contraction of resulting plastic mass in the extruder None of the mentioned

Which of the following is an important criteria for a pet food to have storage stability?

Water activity is less than one Water activity is less than one & High mold inhibitor High mold inhibitor Neither of the mentioned

In a specified system, water activity is defined as the ratio of _____

Fugacity of water vapor to fugacity of pure water at the specified system temperature and 1 atmospheric pressure Fugacity of pure water at the specified system temperature and 1 atmospheric pressure to fugacity of water vapor Fugacity of pure water at the specified system temperature and 1 atmospheric pressure Fugacity of water vapor

Which of the following is a property of semi-moist food?

Plastic, easily masticated Do not produce sense of dryness Less susceptible to fat oxidation All of the mentioned

Pasteurization is applied in which of the following ways?

Flash pasteurization and returning to storage tank Flash pasteurization and into the final bottle Pasteurization by heating the filled and sealed bottle All of the mentioned

The purpose of bulk pasteurization is _____

To stabilize the wine chemically and physically by coagulating certain heat coagulable colloids To stabilize it microbiologically by destroying bacteria and yeasts To hasten aging All of the mentioned

Advantage of cold pasteurization of alcohol over hot pasteurization?

Can be used for heat sensitive alcohols Can be used to preserve the flavor and aroma of alcohol Neither of the mentioned Can be used for heat sensitive alcohols & preserve the flavor and aroma of alcohol

A vinegar containing 5 grams of acetic acid per 100 cubic centimeters is referred to as _____

0.5 grain 5 grain 50 grain 500 grain

Which of the following is included in vinegar fermentation?

Transform sugar into alcohol, by yeast Change alcohol into acetic acid using vinegar bacteria Transform sugar into alcohol, by yeast & Changing alcohol into acetic acid using vinegar bacteria Neither of the mentioned
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Principles of Semi-Moist Foods, Principles of Food Preservation by Fermentation, Principles of Food Pickling and Curing and Principles of Food Storage Stability
Questions: 15
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