Nuclear Chemistry and its Applications

This set of MCQs helps you brush up on important chemistry topics and prepare you to dive into skill practice.

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Another name for alpha radiation is what?

Hydrogen nucleus

Helium 4 nucleus

Fast moving electron

None of these

Another name for a beta particle is what?

Helium-4 nucleus

Fast moving electron

Hydrogen Nucleus

Fast moving neutron

True or false? Gamma rays have mass.



Refer to the image. Look at problem 1. Which type of radiation is X?


Beta radiation

Omega radiation

Alpha radiation

Gamma radiation

What is the name of the isotope that is produced from the decay of radium-226?





Which of the following does not characterize X-rays?

Have wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet rays

It causes ZnS to fluorescence

The radiation can ionise gases

Deflected by electric and magnetic field

A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 hours emits radiations of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is,

100 hours

12 hours

18 hours

128 hours

Starting from radium, the radioactive disintegration process terminates when the following is obtained.

Radium B

Radium A



Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Nuclear Chemistry and its Applications
Questions: 8
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