Natural Resources

This is an MCQ-based quiz on Natural Resources.

This includes Air, Water, Ozone layer, and Post-chapter questions.

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What would happen, if all the oxygen present in the environment is converted to ozone?

We will be protected more It will become poisonous and kill living forms Ozone is not stable, hence it will be toxic It will help harmful Sun radiations to reach Earth and damage many life forms.

The atmosphere of the Earth is heated by radiations which are mainly

Radiated by the Sun

Re-radiated by land

Re-radiated by water

Re-radiated by land and water

The two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere are

Water and Ozone

Water and Oxygen

Ozone and Oxygen

Water and Carbon dioxide

Rainfall patterns depend on

The underground water table

The number of water bodies in an area

The density pattern of human population in an area

The prevailing season in an area

When we breathe in air, nitrogen also goes inside along with oxygen. What is the fate of nitrogen?

It moves along with oxygen into the cells It comes out with the carbon dioxide during exhalation It is absorbed only by the nasal cells Nitrogen concentration is already more in the cells, so itis not at all absorbed

You must have observed that during the winters sometimesit becomes quite difficult to see even the objects short distance apart. This low visibility during the cold weather is due to:

Formation of fossil fuels Unburnt carbon particles of hydrocarbons suspended in air Lack of adequate power supply None of these

The ‘water pollution’ can be defined in several ways. Which of the following statements does not give the correct definition?

The addition of the undesirable substances to water bodies The removal of the desirable substances from water bodies A change in pressure of the water bodies A change in temperature of the water bodies

The amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere is maintained by a biological cycle which involves two processes, first is to withdraw nitrogen from the atmosphere and secondly to add the same to atmosphere. The nitrogen cycle Can you guess the names of these two respective processes.

Nitrogen fixation and nitrification Nitrogen fixation and denitrification Nitrification and denitrification Nitrification and nitrogen fixation

A cool breeze after a hot day brings all of us considerable relief. This breeze is actually the moving air. What is the basic process that causes this movement of air?

Pressure difference between the air of two regions Moving leaves of the plants Temperature difference between the two regions Striking of air with the mountains

Which of the following bacteria is responsible for nitrogen fixation?

Pseudomonas Nitrosomonas Rhizobium None of these

One of the following factors does not lead to soil formation in nature.

The sun Water Wind Polythene bags

Which step is not involved in the carbon cycle?

Photosynthesis Transpiration Respiration Burning of fossil fuels

The main function of the Rhizobium bacteria is:

To convert free nitrogen into nitrates To convert the nitrates into nitrogen Decomposition of ammonium salts Denitrification

Soil pollution mostly occurs by:

Water Fertilizers and insecticides Mining Crops

Oxygen is harmful for

Ferns Nitrogen fixing bacteria Chara Mango tree

What happens when rain falls on soil without vegetational cover?

Rain water percolates in soil efficiently Rain water causes loss of surface soil Rain water leads to fertility of the soil Rain water does not cause any change in soil

Soil erosion can be prevented by

Raising forests Deforestation Excessive use of fertiliser Overgrazing by animals

Marked temperature changes in an aquatic environment can affect

Breeding of animals More growth of aquatic plants Process of digestion in animals Availability of nutrients.

If there were no atmosphere around the Earth, the temperature of the Earth will


Go on decreasing

Increase during day and decrease during night

Be unaffected

Growth of lichens on barren rocks is followed by the growth of





Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Natural Resources
Questions: 20
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