Mixed MCQ Quiz of Verb types and Commas

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of a Mixed MCQ quiz of Verb types and Commas.

This set of MCQs helps you brush up on the essential grammar topics and prepare you to dive into skill practice, expand your knowledge and help you understand and speak English smoothly.

Start Quiz

Identify the linking verb in the sentence.
She seemed nervous.  




The boy looked sad. 



Now, my friends are always ______________(ask)  me: How could you not know TV? 




In most ways, I ___________( grow up) like other kids in the late 60s and 80s.

Grow up

Grew up

Growing up

Which sentence uses commas correctly?

I enjoy spending time with friends however, there are days I would rather be with my family. 

I enjoy spending time with friends, however there are days I would rather be with my family. 

I enjoy spending time with, friends, however there are days I would rather be with, my family. 

I enjoy spending time with friends, however, there are days I would rather be with my family. 

Which sentence uses commas correctly?

Jake, my black and white cat loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake my black, and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake my black and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake, my black and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me.

Choose the incorrect sentence.

Michael, Ryan, and Jamal, made the team.

Michael, Ryan, and Jamal made the team.

Choose the incorrect sentence.

Alex wanted to go to the movies, but his mother wouldn't let him.

But his mother wouldn't let him, Alex wanted to go to the movies.

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Mixed MCQ Quiz of Verb types and Commas
Questions: 8
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