Let's Learn About Various Geometric Measurements

Geometry is a great skill to analyze the physical dimensions of an object. In this quiz, various questions related to geometric measurements are included to let students know more about the dimensions of an object. Different types of questions are added in the quiz along with related pictures that makes the questions more interesting and interactive for students.

Start Quiz

What is the perimeter of the given rectangle?

25 cm

32 cm

24 cm

21 cm

What is the perimeter of the given square?

12 ft

16 ft

21 ft

11 ft

What is the perimeter of the given triangle?

12 cm

16 cm

20 cm

15 cm

What is the perimeter of the given shape?

21 cm

25 cm

24 cm

20 cm

The given figure is made up of unit squares as shown.

Find the area of the given figure.

6 square units

3 square units

4 square units

1 square unit

The given figure is made up of unit squares as shown.

Find the area of the given figure.

6 square units

10 square units

8 square units

12 square units

The given figure is made up of unit squares as shown.

Find the area of the given figure.

4 square units

6 square units

8 square units

10 square units

The given figure is made up of unit squares as shown.

Find the area of the given figure.

16 square units

12 square units

6 square units

14 square units

A wooden square has 1 side equal to 10 cm.

What is the perimeter of the wooden square?

10 cm

20 cm

30 cm

40 cm

The football ground of a society is 20ft long and 10ft wide

What is the perimeter of the football ground?

40 ft

50 ft

60 ft

80 ft

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Let's Learn About Various Geometric Measurements
Questions: 10
Contributed by:
Fun Learning