Reading Data and Tables

In this quiz, various questions about data and the tables are added. Reading data and tables is an important skill that a student can learn and it helps in solving various real-life problems. Different types of questions are added to make the quiz more interesting for students and to make learning easy for students.

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Some animals are present in a garden as shown in the figure.

Which table shows the correct number of animals?

A fruit basket contains the following fruits.

Which table shows the correct number of fruits?

A desk contains the following items.

Which table shows the correct number of given items?

From the given table, find out the item that has the most quantity?

From the given table, find out the item that has the least quantity?

From the given table, find out the item that has the most quantity?

From the given table, find out which animal is the least in quantity?

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Reading Data and Tables
Questions: 7
Contributed by:
Fun Learning