Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on Boundary Layer Flow & Forces on Sub-merged Bodies

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on Boundary Layer Flow & Forces on Sub-merged Bodies.

This includes the following:-

  1. Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate

  2. Separation of Boundary Layer

  3. Drag on a Sphere

Start Quiz

The main property that affects a boundary layer is__________

Temperature Pressure Viscosity Surface tension

The layer that is influenced by a planetary boundary is called______

Atmospheric boundary layer Lithosphere Troposphere Hydrosphere

What is the other name for Stoke’s boundary layer?

Momentum boundary layer Atmospheric boundary layer Oscillatory boundary layer Thermal boundary layer

Eddy viscosity is a turbulent transfer of_________

Fluid Heat Momentum Pressure

The laminar boundary layer is a _________

Smooth flow Rough flow Uniform flow Random flow

The turbulent boundary layer is a _________

Non-uniform with swirls Uniform Less stable Smooth

How does a turbulent boundary layer produce swirls?

Due to random motion Collision of molecules Due to eddies Due to non-uniform cross section

How can we determine whether the flow is laminar or turbulent?

Reynold’s number Mach number Froude number Knudsen number

The flow separation occurs when the fluid travels away from the __________

Surface Fluid body Adverse pressure gradient Inter-molecular spaces

The swirl caused due to eddies are called as ______

Vortices Vertices Volume Velocity

Which among the following is a device that converts a laminar flow into a turbulent flow?

Dead Weight Gauge Vacuum Gauge Turbulator Ionization Gauge

Boundary layer separation does not undergo detachment.

True False

With the boundary layer separation, displacement thickness________

Increases Decreases Remains Same Independent

What is D’Alembert’s Paradox?

Resistance= 0 Drag force= 0 Temperature = 0 Pressure gradient= 0
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on Boundary Layer Flow & Forces on Sub-merged Bodies
Questions: 14
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