Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on the Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion.

This includes the following:-

  1. Force Exerted by a Jet on a Stationary Flat Inclined Plate

  2. Force Exerted by a Jet on a Stationary Curved Plate

  3. Force Exerted by a Jet on a Series of Vanes

Start Quiz

Force exerted by a jet on a stationery plate happens in how many cases?

3 cases 2 cases 1 case Nil

Force exerted by a jet on a moving plate happens in how many cases?

3 cases 2 cases 1 case Nil

In a stationery vertical plate, the jet after striking the plate will move _______

In opposite direction Along the plate Perpendicular to the plate Parallel to the plate

At what angle does the jet deflect after striking a stationery vertical plate?

30 60 90 0

The velocity component after striking the surface will be________

One Zero Infinity Negative

Which among the following is the formula for Force when it strikes the plate?

pav2 pav pa maE

To derive pav2, we take final velocity minus the initial velocity.

True False

The mass of water per sec striking the plate is_________

pav2 pav pa maE

Which among the following is formula for force when it acts along the direction of flow?

pav2Sin2θ pav Sin2θ pa Sin2θ maE Sin2θ

Which among the following is a formula for force when it acts perpendicular to the direction of flow?

pav2 SinθCosθ pav Sin2θ pa Sin2θ maE Sin2θ

A jet strikes a curved plate at its ______

Sides Surface Centre Does not strike

During a weak jump, the value of Froude lies in between________

1 to 2.5 2.5 to 3.5 Less than 1 Zero

During an oscillating jump, the value of Froude lies in between________

1 to 2.5 2.5 to 4.5 Less than 1 Zero

A jet after striking a smooth plate comes out with a __________ velocity.

Increased Decreased Same Zero

Component of velocity in direction of jet is -VCosθ

True False
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion
Questions: 15
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