Effect of Food Processing

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of the Effect of Food Processing.

This includes the following:-

Effect of Food on Nutrition

Effect of Food Safety

Food Contamination

Food Hazards

Start Quiz

Fats consist of compounds soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water.

True False

Which of the following is untrue about Essential Fatty Acids?

EFAs are also called Vitamin F EFAs can be synthesized by the body EFAs cannot be synthesized by the body Omega-3 and Omega-6 are the two families of EFAs

Omega-3 18:4 means that the chain has 18 carbons with 3 double bonds and the first double bond is at the fourth place.

True False

Following are the reasons why partially hydrogenated oils are used in the food industry. One of them is untrue. Which one?

Long shelf life Less refrigeration required Inexpensive Healthy

Which of the following is NOT a culinary use of oil in the food industry?

Flavor Texture Softening Shortening

Which of the following is untrue with respect to this sentence – proteins are popularly used in food processing industry because?

Water binding capacity Oil binding capacity Ability to coagulate on heating None of the mentioned

Plant proteins contain a better balance of essential amino acids.

True False

Which of the following sentences is correct?

Animal sources are high quality proteins Animal sources are low quality proteins Plant sources are high quality proteins None of the mentioned
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Effect of Food Processing
Questions: 8
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