Cell Membrane And Cell Wall

This is an MCQ-based quiz for GRE on the topic of Cell Membrane And Cell Wall.

This includes the Cell wall which is the outermost boundary of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and plant cells. The cell membrane is the outermost boundary of animal cells.

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Many retroviruses, including (human immunodeficiency virus) HIV and other lentiviruses, generally bind what structure on the plasma membrane of vertebrate cells?

Lipopolysaccharides Oligosaccharides Phosphatidylcholine Cholesterol Glycoproteins

What is the name for dense microdomains of the plasma membrane that are enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids and are centers for signal molecule assembly and receptor trafficking?

None of these Endosomes Lipid rafts Phospholipid bilayer Micelles

Which of the following factors would you expect to see in a cell membrane for an animal living in a very hot environment?

Longer fatty acid tails Reduced presence of cholesterol More unsaturated fatty acid tails Reduced integral proteins

Which of the following conditions would result in a more fluid membrane?

A membrane in cold temperatures Long fatty acid tails Fatty acid tails with double bonds Fully saturated fatty acid tails

What polymer is commonly found in the cell walls of fungi?

Cellulose Chitin Glycogen Peptidoglycan

Leucine is a hydrophobic amino acid. In which of the following portions of a transmembrane protein would a leucine residue most likely be located?

Cytosolic face Membrane-spanning region Exoplasmic face Leucine would not be found in a transmembrane protein

What type membrane protein changes its shape when allowing substances to cross the membrane?

Channel proteins Glycoproteins Kinases Carrier proteins

Which of the following is a function of membranes?

All of these are membrane functions Separating the internal and external environments Selectively controlling import and export of nutrients Housing proteins used in important metabolic pathways

Name the type of transport that requires an expenditure of energy in order to move a compound across the membrane.

Active transport Diffusion Osmosis Facilitated diffusion

A researcher finds a large amount of an unusual sugar in the cells of a recently discovered species. Which of the following are potential mechanisms the cell is using to import the sugar? I. Passive diffusion II. Receptor-mediated endocytosis III. Symport

I, II, and III III only I and II II and III
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Cell Membrane And Cell Wall
Questions: 10
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