Body Fluids and Circulation: Medium of Transport of Nutrients and Oxygen

In this quiz, you will find questions related to the body fluids and their circulation that act as a medium to transport nutrients, oxygen, and other important substances in the body.

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Which of the following is the most commonly used body fluid?

Blood Plasma Lymph Serum

Which of the following is absent on blood?

Fluid matrix Plasma Fibroblast Formed elements

How much percentage of plasma is present in the blood?

35% 45% 50% 55%

Which of the following are needed for clotting of blood?

Fibrinogen Albumin Globulin Magnesium ions

What is plasma without clotting factors known as?

Blood Serum Lymph Fluid

An adult human has systolic and diastolic pressures as:

80 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg 120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 50 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 80 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg

The cells lining the blood vessels belong to the category of:

Columnar epithelium

Connective tissue

Smooth muscle tissue

Squamous epithelium

Oxygenated blood occurs in:

Pulmonary artery

Right atrium

Right ventricle

Pulmonary vein

Duration of cardiac cycle is?

0.7 sec

0.9 sec

0.8 sec

0.11 sec

Blood pressure is measured by?




None of these

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is often referred to as?


Heart failure

Cardiac arrest

None of these

Which one of the following is a correct matching pair?

Lubb - Sharp closure of AV valves at the beginning of ventricular systole

Dup - Sudden opening of semilunar valves at the beginning of ventricular diastole.

Pulsation of the radial artery valves in the blood vessels

Purkinje fibers - Initiation of the heart beat

The heart is covered by?


Pleural membrane

Visceral membrane

None of these

The pacemaker of the heart is?

SA node

AV node

Bundle of His

Purkinje fibres

When body tissues are injured resulting in the loss of blood, the process of blood clot begins and the blood platelets release?





Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Body Fluids and Circulation: Medium of Transport of Nutrients and Oxygen
Questions: 15
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