Functional Genomics and Proteomics

This quiz contains multiple-choice problems on the sequence and microarray-based approaches, sage and DNA microarrays comparison, protein expression analysis, post-translational modification, protein sorting and interactions.

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Which of the following is incorrect about SAGE?

This approach is much more efficient than the EST analysis

This approach is much less efficient than the EST analysis

It uses a short nucleotide tag to define a gene transcript

It allows sequencing of multiple tags in a single clone

Which of the following is incorrect about the drawbacks of SAGE?

One or two sequencing errors in the tag sequence can lead to ambiguous or erroneous tag identification

Correctly sequenced SAGE tag sometimes may correspond to several genes or no gene at all

Correctly sequenced SAGE tag always corresponds to several genes

The drawback with this approach is the sensitivity to sequencing errors

Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

Collecting a SAGE library is very labor intensive and expensive

Collecting a SAGE library is quite economical

SAGE is not suitable for rapid screening of cells

Gene identification from SAGE data is also more cumbersome

The PCR amplification step involved in the SAGE procedure means that it requires a large quantity of sample mRNA. True or false?



DNA microarrays measure “absolute” mRNA expression levels without arbitrary reference standards, whereas SAGE indicates the relative expression levels. True or false?



Which of the following is an incorrect statement about DNA and SAGE?

SAGE and DNA microarrays are both high throughput techniques that determine global mRNA expression levels

Studies indicate that the gene expression measurements from these methods are highly inconsistent with each other

SAGE does not require prior knowledge of the transcript sequence

DNA microarray experiments can only detect the genes spotted on the microarray

Which of the following is incorrect about SAGE Genie?

It is an NCBI web-based program

It allows matching of experimentally obtained SAGE tags to known genes

It provides an interface for visualizing human gene expression

It does not filter out linker sequences from experimentally obtained SAGE tags

SAGExProfiler does not provide information about overexpressed or silenced genes. True or false?



SAGEmap is a SAGE database created by NCBI. True or false?



Which of the following is incorrect about SAGE?

Sequencing is the most costly and time-consuming step

Here, sequencing is economical but time-consuming step

Sequencing is economical but time-reducing step

It is difficult to know how many tags need to be sequenced to get a good coverage of the entire transcriptome

Which of the following is incorrect regarding 2D-Page?

It stands for two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

It separates proteins by charge only

The gel is run in one direction in a pH gradient under a non-denaturing condition

It works to separate proteins by isoelectric points (pI)

Comparing two-dimensional gel images from various experiments can sometimes pose a challenge because the gels, unlike DNA microarrays, may shrink or warp. True or false?



Electrospray ionization MS and matrix-assisted laser desorption (MALDI) MS differ in the ionization procedure used. True or false?



Which of the following is incorrect regarding mass spectrometry protein identification?

The proteolysis does not generate a pattern according to molecular weight

Proteins can be identified and characterized using MS

The proteins from a two dimensional gel system are first digested in situ with a protease

Protein spots of interest are excised from the two-dimensional gel

Which of the following is incorrect regarding protein identification through database searching?

MS characterization of proteins is highly dependent on bioinformatic analysis

Bioinformatics programs can be used to search for the identity of a protein in a database of theoretically digested proteins

Even in reality, the protease digestion is always perfect in MS

The purpose of the database search is to find exact or nearly exact matches

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Functional Genomics and Proteomics
Questions: 15
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