Habits of Successful Distance Learning Students

Contributed by:
Jonathan James
With the transition to distance learning, this resource is meant to provide you with
strategies to help you feel in control during this time of constant change and adjustment.
Since your coursework and learning have become remote environments, these tips will
help you maximize your educational experience and minimize the anxiety surrounding
the sudden onset of a different type of learning
1. Habits of Successful Distance Learning Students
With the transition to distance learning, this resource is meant to provide you with
strategies to help you feel in control during this time of constant change and adjustment.
Since your coursework and learning have become remote environments, these tips will
help you maximize your educational experience and minimize the anxiety surrounding
the sudden onset of a different type of learning.
Break up your study sessions
Instead of spending 10 straight hours cramming, break your study sessions into
smaller chunks of time with frequent breaks. Consider setting a timer to remind
yourself to take breaks.
Create a study schedule
Set a study routine that works for you and stick to it. Taking time to write the
routine down will help you stay on task.
Ask for help
If you don’t know the answer to something or are looking for clarification, establish
the habit of asking your professor and/or classmates for assistance. We are all
in this together, and online classes will have a general discussion board to post
questions that may be of benefit to everyone. There is a very good chance you’re
not the only one with questions!
Shut off extra technology
Put your phone on silent and set up ‘do not disturb’ messages on any online
messaging services. Minimizing distractions during your designated class or
homework time will boost your productivity and make the most of the
time and effort.
Take advantage of online resources
There are tons of apps to help you study, manage your time, and stay on task.
Information sourced from University of Michigan: Adjusting your study habits during COVID
& learnhowtobecome.org/career-resource-center/student-success-online-college/
2. Habits of Successful Distance Learning Students
Test taking
Know ahead of time what the format of the test will be. Understand the guideline
and expectations of the test – Is there a login? Is there a time limit? Do you need a
proctor? Finally, find a test taking spot that is distraction free and you
feel comfortable.
Common Mistakes to Avoid as a Distance Learner
Not having a designated study space
Having a designated space to complete assignments, study, and video in to
classroom discussions is essential in minimizing distractions. It can put you ‘in the
zone’ to learn and be efficient with your time.
Create a schedule for yourself and establish boundaries. Holding yourself
accountable to a schedule can limit distractions and allow you to complete tasks on
time. Waiting until the last minute to do assignments or readings is not in
your best interest.
Not being an active participant and thinking you’re on your own
Though it may be easy to disengage, start slow, do your readings, and work your
way up from there. Actively make an effort to connect, email your professors and
classmates, and regularly contribute to discussions and Webex sessions.
Feeling overwhelmed and losing motivation
Keep the end in mind and remember that you’re living with technology at your
fingertips. Schedule video calls with friends and family to maintain the social aspect
of your life. Attend virtual office hours to get more help if you’re starting to struggle
or fall behind. Remember that this is temporary and take a deep breath.
Information sourced from University of Michigan: Adjusting your study habits during COVID
& learnhowtobecome.org/career-resource-center/student-success-online-college/