change the subject of the formula worksheet

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The Tutoring Experts
All that changing the subject of the formula means is basically getting a letter on its own on one side of the equation
1. Name:
Exam Style Questions
Changing the Subject
Equipment needed: Pen
1. Read each question carefully before you begin answering it.
2. Check your answers seem right.
3. Always show your workings
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© Corbettmaths 2022
2. 1. Make d the subject of
e =d+5
d = ..........................
2. Rearrange t= to make w the subject.
w = ..........................
3. Rearrange this formula to make c the subject
a =c−w
Circle your answer.
c =a−w c =w−a c = aw c =a+w
© Corbettmaths 2022
3. 4. Make x the subject of
y = 3x
Circle your answer.
y 3
x =y+3 x= x= x =y−3
3 y
5. Make w the subject of the formula
y = 3w − a
w = ..........................
6. Make w the subject of the formula
w = ..........................
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4. 7. v = u + 10t
(a) Work out the value of v when u = 4 and t = 3
v = ..........................
(b) Make u the subject of the formula
v = u + 10t
u = ..........................
(c) Make t the subject of the formula
v = u + 10t
t = ..........................
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5. 8. Given that x+y =1
What does y equal?
y = ..........................
9. Rearrange y= to make x the subject
x = ..........................
10. Isaac is rearranging m = 3t − 8 to make t the subject.
Explain what mistake Isaac has made.
© Corbettmaths 2022
6. 11. Here is a rectangle.
P is the perimeter of the rectangle.
(a) Show that P = 6x + 2
(b) Express x in terms of P
x = ..........................
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7. 12. Make m the subject of the formula
m = ..........................
13. Express v in terms of t
t= +1
v = ..........................
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8. 14. Make d the subject of the formula c = 4d + 5
d = ..........................
15. Make g the subject of the formula:
a= g
g = ..........................
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9. 16. Make y the subject of the formula:
k = y3 + a
y = ..........................
17. C = 4x + 5y
(a) Find the value of C when x = 9 and y = −2
C = ..........................
(b) Make x the subject of the formula
x = ..........................
(c) Find the value of x when C = 51 and y = 3
x = ..........................
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10. 18. Given that 3y = 2x
(a) Write y in terms of x
y = ..........................
(b) Write x in terms of y
x = ..........................
19. Rearrange 2x − y + 1 = 0 to make x the subject
x = ..........................
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11. 20. Rearrange 8 + c = 3 − a to make a the subject.
a = ..........................
21. Make w the subject of a=
w = ..........................
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12. 22. Rearrange the formula r= 3w + t to make t the subject
t = ..........................
23. Rosie writes down Pythagoras’ Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2
Make a the subject
a = ..........................
24. Make p the subject of ac =
p = ..........................
© Corbettmaths 2022
13. 25. Rearrange v 2 = u 2 + 2as to make s the subject.
s = ..........................
26. Rearrange w= 3
5y − 8 to make y the subject.
y = ..........................
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