Basic introduction of vectors in Math

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The Tutoring Experts
A vector is formally defined as an element of a vector space. vector is a term that refers colloquially to some quantities that cannot be expressed by a single number, or to elements of some vector spaces.
1. Name:
Exam Style Questions
Ensure you have: Pencil, pen, ruler, protractor, pair of compasses and eraser
You may use tracing paper if needed
1. Read each question carefully before you begin answering it.
2. Donʼt spend too long on one question.
3. Attempt every question.
4. Check your answers seem right.
5. Always show your workings
Revision for this topic
2. 1." In the diagram OBDE and OAFG are parallelograms.
" B is the midpoint of OG.
" A is the midpoint of OE.
" (a) Express, in terms of a and b, the following vectors.
" Give your answers in their simplest form.
" (i)
" (ii)
" (iii)
" (b) Show are parallel.
3. " ABCDEF and GHIJKL are regular hexagons with centre O.
" GHIJKL is an enlargement of ABCDEF, with scale factor 2.
" (a) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (b) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (c) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
4. " (d) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (e) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (f) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (g) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (h) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
" (i) Write the vector in terms of a and b.
5. 3." OABC is a trapezium.
" Point D is the midpoint of BC.
" Point E is the midpoint of AC.
" (a) Write these vectors in terms of a and b.
" " (i)
" " (ii)
" " (iii)
" (b) Show are parallel.
6. 4." DFG is a straight line.
" (a) Write down the vector in terms of a and b
! (b) DF : FG = 2:3
" Work out the vector in terms of a and b
" Give your answer in its simplest form.
7. 5." ABCD is a trapezium
" AB and DC are parallel.
" DC = 2AB
" (a) Write down the vector in terms of a and b
" (b) Work out the vector in terms of a and b
" Give your answer in its simplest form.
8. " ABC is a triangle.
" M lies on BC such that BM = ⅘ BC
" Express these vectors in terms of x and y
! ! (a)
! ! (b)
! ! (c)
9. " AOB is a triangle.
" P is a point on AO.
" (a) Find the vector in terms of a and b
" Q is the midpoint of OB.
" B is the midpoint of AC.
" (b) Show PQC is a straight line.