Wastewater Characteristics and its Process

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about wastewater defined as any water that has been negatively affected in quality by humans. Wastewater is comprised of liquid and solid waste that is discharged from domestic residences, commercial properties, industrial plants, and agriculture facilities or land and characteristics.

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Which of the following represents the physical characteristics of water?

Chloride content BOD Turbidity COD

Which of the following is measured in mg/L?

Unit weight Coefficient of cohesion Discharge Turbidity

Which of the following instrument is used to measure turbidity?

Olfactometer Turbidity meter Colorimeter Spectrophotometer

When the sewage becomes stronger, the turbidity of wastewater?

Increases Decreases Becomes constant Slightly decrease

Which color indicates the fresh sewage?

Pink Red Black Grey

_______ indicates the freshness of sewage.

Turbidity Color Temperature COD

______ represents the number of dilutions required to reduce odor.

Dispersion Threshold odor number BOD COD

The odor quality of compound is ammoniacal. Identify the type of compound from the following options.

Acetic acid Benzene Ammonia Methane

The odor in wastewater is measured by __________.




Turbidity meter

The color of the septic sewage is __________.





The odor quality of Amines is __________.

Rotten egg


Fecal matter

Decayed cabbage

The wastewater from the kitchen is an example of __________.

Black water

Yellow water

Green water

Grey water

The type of wastewater from the flushing operation of toilet is __________.

Green water

Red water

Black water

Brown water

In India, the average temperature of sewage is __________.

10 degree C

20 degree C

40 degree C

80 degree C

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Wastewater Characteristics and its Process
Questions: 14
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