This set of MCQs helps students to learn about water supply for building, collection and conveyance of sewage, waste water flow rate.
After how many years, night soil gives good quality manure?
Conservancy system is a highly unhygienic system, causing insanitary conditions.
Which of the following is not correct regarding conservancy system?
Which system of collection of sewage is called a dry system?
________ is a method where water is used as a medium for the flow of sewage from its production of the treatment unit.
Normally, the amount of water required for flushing operation is _____ litres.
The water carriage system is a hygienic system without any bad smell.
Which of the following is correct regarding water carriage system?
_______ is defined as the percentage of rain water in the form of runoff.
Which of the following locality has a minimum Fruhlings factor?
Which of the following surface has a maximum Kuichling’s impermeability factor?
If the type of surface is of the most densely populated portion of the city, what is the value of Kuichling’s impermeability factor?
Hog feeding is a type of ______.
Food contest
Garbage disposal method
The impermeability factor is also called as ____________.
Coefficient of impermeability
Runoff coefficient
Coefficient of permeability
Precipitation factor