Verbs and Adjectives or Adverbs in Three Blank Texts

This is an MCQ-based Verbal section quiz for GRE, which include questions on Verbs and Adjectives or Adverbs in Three Blank Texts.

Start Quiz

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. The nanny __________ the little boy after she found him climbing __________ on a __________ balanced pile of boulders, completely unaware of the danger in which he was putting himself.

harangued . . . perfidiously . . . intractably admonished . . . blithely . . . precariously excoriated . . . obliviously . . . propitiously castigated . . . resolutely . . . itinerantly exhorted . . . sedulously . . . solicitously

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. Romuald had wished to reform the __________ life at the old monastery.  For years, the monks had been __________ regarding observation of their rule of life and had __________ many worldly customs.

divine . . . considerate . . . spurned prayer . . . considerate . . . evaluated regular . . . zealous . . . embraced quotidian . . . negligent . . . adopted devotional . . . ecstatic . . . eschewed

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. Her bedroom window was __________ by curtains, yet the material was so __________ that he could clearly see her form __________ by the setting sun.

obscured . . . diaphanous . . . limned decorated . . . flimsy . . . shrouded sequestered . . . evanescent . . . inured revealed . . . substantial . . . silhouetted hidden . . . redolent . . . masked

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. The editor reduced the introduction from ten __________ pages to two __________ paragraphs by __________ all of the unnecessary verbal flourishes that riddled its sentences.

florid . . . trenchant . . . expiating officious . . . sedulous . . . bolstering tortuous . . . succinct . . . excising turgid . . . concise . . . qualifying immutable . . . intransigent . . . inhibiting

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. The intern was __________ with stacks of paperwork that covered his entire desk on the first day of his new job, but luckily, he managed to sort through it by working __________ throughout the day and ignoring potential distractions, and __________ out of the office at the end of the day, tremendously proud of his clean desk.

overrun . . . itinerantly . . . weltered overwhelmed . . . sedulously . . . burgeoned palliated . . . solicitously . . . simpered inundated . . . assiduously . . . strutted attenuated . . . perfidiously . . . vacillated

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. The fashion show featured pieces inspired by __________ styles, and the models were __________ in pieces that __________ to Greek togas, knightly armor, and trailing dresses with underskirts and bustles.

antiquated . . . arrayed . . . abated apocryphal . . . eulogized . . . impugned banal . . . placated . . . appropriated archaic . . . garbed . . . alluded ancient . . . feigned . . . castigated

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. The __________ cat refused to walk around tamely on a leash, but the __________ dog not only heeled, but obeyed each of its master"s commands obediently and never needed to be __________ for not listening.

obstreperous . . . dogmatic . . . countenanced truculent . . . complaisant . . . impeded pernicious . . . prodigal . . . flouted credulous . . . insipid . . . aggrandized recalcitrant . . . tractable . . . admonished

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence. He was __________ and never wasted words, but his sister was __________ and loved to __________ cheerfully to anyone about even the most inconsequential topics.

lithe . . . boorish . . . lampoon laconic . . . loquacious . . . prattle hedonistic . . . ascetic . . . abstain terse . . . verbose . . . harangue enigmatic . . . ponderous . . . chatter

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence. The painting __________ the image of a bishop with quite __________ features, for the artist wished to express the wickedness that he perceived in the life of the __________ figure.

graced . . . supple . . . devilish depicted . . . fiendish . . . ecclesiastical presented . . . illuminated . . . sagacious recounted . . . hedonistic . . . penurious copied . . . gregarious . . . public

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence. As the blood around the wound began to __________, the increasingly viscous substance helped to __________ the continued flow of the __________ fluids.

drain . . . impede . . . recalcitrant seep . . . block . . . intravenous restore . . . alleviate . . . salubrious trickle . . . deny . . . dangerous coagulate . . . stanch . . . vital
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Verbs and Adjectives or Adverbs in Three Blank Texts
Questions: 10
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