Theory Base of Accounting

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about various important things such as, identify the need for theory base of accounting, explain the nature of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), state the meaning and purpose of the basic accounting concepts, list the accounting standards issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, describe the systems of accounting, describe the basis of accounting.

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Meaning of credibility of going concern is:

Closing of business Opening of business Continuing of business None of these.

The amount drawn by businessmen for his personal use is-

Capital Drawing Expenditure Loss.

The basic accounting postulates are denoted by –

Concepts Book – keeping Accounting standards None of these.

In India, the accounting standard board was set up in the year-

1972 1977 1956 1932.

The sum of Liabilities and Capital is-

Expense Income Drawings Assets.

During the lifetime of an entity accounting produce financial statements in accordance with which basic accounting concept:

Conservation Matching Accounting period None of the above

When information about two difference enterprises have been prepared presented in a similar manner the information exhibits the characteristic of:

Verifiability Relevance Reliability None of the above

A concept that a business enterprise will not be sold or liquidated in the near future is known as :

Going concern Economic entity Monetary unit None of the above

The primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision-making are,

Relevance and freedom from bias

Reliability and comparability

Comparability and consistency

None of the above

Valuation of stock at lower of cost or net realizable value is an example of:


Realization Concept.

Matching concept


Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Theory Base of Accounting
Questions: 10
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