Solute, Solvent And Solutions

This quiz contains various questions related to the solute, solvent and solutions. Different type of various multiple-choice questions are added in the quiz in such a way that the student will get to learn the topic efficiently.

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Which statement about substances is true?

A substance cannot be separated from a mixture.

When two or more substances are evenly mixed, we can separate them physically.

Substances can be elements or solutions.

If two or more substances are physically blended, the new blend is called a compound.

Which statement about solutions and homogeneous mixtures is correct?

Solutions are liquid, but homogeneous mixtures can be any state of matter.

Solutions and homogeneous mixtures are actually the same thing

Solutions can only be separated by chemical reactions, but homogeneous mixtures can be separated by physical changes.

Solutions are made up of two elements mixed together, but homogeneous mixtures are made from two compounds mixed together.

Which is the part of a solution that is in the greatest quantity?





A solution is always the same _____________ as its solvent.

state of matter




What is the concentration of a 0.1 L solution of water with 20 grams of dissolved salt?

0.2 g/L

20.0 g/L

2.0 g/L

200.0 g/L

Which of the following solutions is the most diluted?

A solution of 5 grams of salt with a volume of 100 mL.

A solution of 10 grams of salt with a volume of 1000 mL.

A solution of 20 grams of salt with a volume of 1000 mL.

A solution of 50 grams of salt with a volume of 1000 mL.

Solubility is the ability of a solute to dissolve into a solution. Which of the following statements is true about solubility?

More solute can dissolve in a solution if its solubility is high.

More solute can dissolve in a solution if its solubility is low.

Less solute can dissolve in a solution if its solubility is high.

The amount of solute that can dissolve depends on the solvent, not solubility.

In which way is solubility different than concentration?

Unlike concentration, solubility does not depend on the amount solvent.

Solubility can change based on temperature and pressure, but concentration can only change due to the total volume of the solution.

Solubility is a measurement of how much solute can possibly dissolve, but the concentration is a measurement of how much solute is dissolved.

Unlike concentration, solubility depends on the amount of solute dissolved in the total solution.

Which factor does not affect solubility?



Amount of substances


Which of the following statements about pressure and solubility is true?

Pressure increases the solubility of solids in the solution.

Pressure increases the solubility of gases in the solution.

Pressure increases the solubility of liquids in solution.

Pressure has no effect on solubility.

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Solute, Solvent And Solutions
Questions: 10
Contributed by:
Fun Learning