OSI Model: Conceptual Framework to Describe the Functions of a Networking System

This is a computer science engineering quiz on computer networks, which includes questions based on the OSI model i.e, the open systems interconnection model.

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Which one of the following network uses dynamic or adaptive routing?

TYMNET ARPANET SNA(IBM's System Network Architechture) None of these

The physical layer is concerned with ___________.

Bit-by-bit delivery

Process to process delivery

Application to application delivery

Port to port delivery

Which transmission media provides the highest transmission speed in a network?

Coaxial cable

Twisted pair cable

Optical fiber

Electrical cable

Bits can be sent over guided and unguided media as analog signal by ___________.

Digital modulation

Amplitude modulation

Frequency modulation

Phase modulation

The portion of the physical layer that interfaces with the media access control sublayer are called ___________.

Physical signalling sublayer

Physical data sublayer

Physical address sublayer

Physical transport sublayer

The physical layer provides __________.

Mechanical specifications of electrical connectors and cables

Electrical specification of transmission line signal level

Specification for IR over optical fiber

All of the mentioned

In asynchronous serial communication the physical layer provides ___________.

Start and stop signalling

Flow control

Both start & stop signalling and flow control

Only start signalling

The physical layer is responsible for __________.

Line coding

Channel coding


All of the mentioned

The physical layer translates logical communication requests from the ______ into hardware specific operations.

Data link layer

Network layer

Transport layer

Application layer

A single channel is shared by multiple signals by ____________.

Analog modulation

Digital modulation


Phase modulation

Start and stop bits are used in serial communication for?

Error detection

Error correction


Slowing down the communication

An unmodulated signal coming from a transmitter is known as?

Carrier signal

Baseband signal

Primary signal

None of these

The number of cross point needed for 10 lines in a cross-point switch which is full-duplex in nature and there is no self-connection is____________.





Maximum data rate of a channel for a noiseless 3-kHz binary channel is?


6000 bps

1500 bps

None of these

The data link layer takes the packets from _________ and encapsulates them into frames for transmission.

Network layer

Physical layer

Transport layer

Application layer

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: OSI Model: Conceptual Framework to Describe the Functions of a Networking System
Questions: 15
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