Identification Of British Prose After 1925

This is an MCQ-based quiz for GRE on the Identification Of British Prose After 1925.

This includes works like Animal Farm, The Handmaid’s Tale, Brave New World, Brighton Rock, The End of the Affair, and The Chronicles of Narnia.

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This novel about an aristocratic family in 1920s England features characters such as Lord Sebastian, Lady Marchmain, and Charles Ryder. Who is the author?

Hart Crane Thomas Mann Kingsley Amis Evelyn Waugh Ezra Pound

Who is the author of Lucky Jim, a 1954 satire of the British educational system and pseudo-intellectualism?

Kingsley Amis Evelyn Waugh Thomas Mann William Golding D. H. Lawrence

Written in 1928, this novel about the illicit affair between a lower-class, married gamekeeper and an aristocratic woman was once banned for its obscene language and frank examination of sex. Who is the author?

D. H. Lawrence Evelyn Waugh William Golding Thomas Mann Kingsley Amis

Brighton Rock was written by which British author?

E.M. Forster Graham Greene Angela Carter D. H. Lawrence Virginia Woolf

Which dystopian novel was published in 1954 and concerns a group of boys governing themselves on an island?

1984 Lord of the Flies Fahrenheit 451 Brave New World Animal Farm

Published in 1962, this dystopian novel features a protagonist named Alex, a gang of violently antisocial teenagers, and Nadsat, a fictional slang with Slavic derivations.

Brave New World Fahrenheit 451 A Clockwork Orange The Handmaid’s Tale 1984

What famous dystopian novel is a direct allegory for the rise of communism in the Soviet Union?

1984 Animal Farm The Handmaid’s Tale Brave New World Fahrenheit 451

What dystopian novel contains such inventions as hormone chewing gum, “feelies,” and children raised in hatcheries?

Animal Farm 1984 Brave New World Lord of the Flies Fahrenheit 451

Which Virginia Woolf novel centers around the life of a poet who lives for hundreds of years and shifts gender from male to female?

Mrs. Dalloway Jacob’s Room To the Lighthouse A Room of One’s Own Orlando: A Biography

This seven-work set of fantasy novels about a mythical land was used to develop an elaborate Christian allegory.

The Handmaid’s Tale Brighton Rock The End of the Affair The Chronicles of Narnia The Lord of the Rings
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Identification Of British Prose After 1925
Questions: 10
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