Atoms and Molecules

This is an MCQ-based quiz on Atoms and Molecules.

This includes the Law of Definite proportion, Law of multiple proportions, and Law of conservation of mass

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The chemical symbol for nitrogen gas is

Ni N2 N+ N

Which of the following would weigh the highest?

0.2 mole of sucrose (C12H22O11) 2 moles of CO2 2 moles of CaCO3 10 moles of H2O

Which of the following has maximum number of atoms?

18 g of H2O 18 g of O2 18 g of CO2 18 g of CO4

Which of the following correctly represents 360 g of water? (i) 2 moles of H2O (ii) 20 moles of water (iii) 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water (iv) 1.2044 × 1025 molecules of water

(i) (i) and (iv) (ii) and (iii) (ii) and (iv)

The chemical symbol for sodium is





Which of the following correctly represents 360g of water? (i) 2 moles of water (ii) 20 moles of water (iii) 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water (iv) 1.2044 × 1025 molecules of water

(i) (i) and (iv) (ii) and (iii) (ii) and (iv)

Which of the following statements is not true about an atom?

Atoms are not able to exist independently. Atoms are the basic units from which molecules and ions areformed. Atoms are always neutral in nature. Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see, feel or touch.

1 u or 1 amu means

1/12th mass of C-12 atoms Mass of C-12 atom Mass of O-16 atom Mass of Hydrogen molecule

Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?

19 CO2 1 g N2 1 g H2 1 g CH4

A sample of NH3 molecule irrespective of source contains 82.35% Nitrogen and 17.65% of Hydrogen by mass. This data supports:

Law of Conservation of Mass Las of Multiple Proportions Law of Definite Proportions Avogadro’s Law

The radius of a hydrogen atom is:

10^-2 10-^4 10^-9 10^-10

The atomic mass of carbon is:

12 14 16 23

Compounds composed of metals and non-metals contain:

non-charged species charged species both of them none of them

The formula of ammonium sulphate is:


The most remarkable concept that Dalton’s atomic theory proposed was that of the:

Atomic weight

Atomic mass

Molar mass

None of them

The molecule having an atomicity of 4 is:

Sulphate molecule Ozone molecule Phosphorus molecule Methane molecule

Which of the following represents 12 u?

Mass of 1 hydrogen atom Mass of C-12 atom Mass of 0-16 atom 1/12th of mass of C-12 atom.

The number of oxygen atoms in 4.4 g of CO2 is approx.

6 × 10^22 6 12 × 10^23 1.2 × 10^23

How many times an atom of sulphur is heavier than an atom of carbon?

32 times 12 times 8/3 times 12/32 times

The value of Avogadro’s constant is:

6.0 × 10^24 6.01 × 10^22 6.022 × 10^23 6.022 × 10^-23
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Atoms and Molecules
Questions: 20
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