32-bit Processors-80386, 80387 and 80486

This set of MCQs helps students to learn about 32-bit processors-80386, 80387 and 80486, which hold several distinct advantages over radiation-hardened microprocessors. These include reducing both cost and design time for spaceflight missions. This is accomplished by being industry-standard as well as commercially available devices with many commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software applications, development tools, and operating systems.

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The 80386 in protected mode, supports all software written for

8086 and 80287 80286 and 80287 80287 and 80387 80286 and 8086

The control register that stores the 32-bit linear address, at which the previous page fault is detected is


The 80386DX is a processor that supports:

8-bit data operand

16-bit data operand

32-bit data operand

All of the mentioned

The 80386DX has an address bus of,

8 address lines

16 address lines

32 address lines

64 address lines

The number of debug registers that are available in 80386, for hardware debugging and control is :





The memory management of 80386 supports,

Virtual memory


Four levels of protection

All of the mentioned

The 80386 consists of :

On-chip address translation cache

Instruction set of predecessors with upward compatibility

Virtual memory space of 64TB

All of the mentioned

80386DX is available in a grid array package of,

64 pin

128 pin

132 pin

142 pin

The operating frequency of 80386DX is :

12 MHz and 20 MHz

20 MHz and 33 MHz

32 MHz and 12 MHz

All of the mentioned

The 80386 in its protected mode, in its virtual mode of operation, can run the applications of :





The size of the pages in the paging scheme is :



Both variable and fixed


To convert linear addresses into physical addresses, the mechanism that the paging unit uses is

Linear conversion mechanism

One level table mechanism

Physical conversion mechanism

Two level table mechanism

Which of the following is not a component of paging unit?

Page directory

Page descriptor base register

Page table


The advantage of pages in paging is

No logical relation with program

No need of entire segment of task in physical memory

Reduction of memory requirement for task

All of the mentioned

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: 32-bit Processors-80386, 80387 and 80486
Questions: 14
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