Efforts to Improve Mathematics Teacher Competency Through Training Program

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The goal is to analyze an improvement of teacher competence after being trained in preparing high-order math Olympiads based on high-order thinking skills in junior high school teachers.
1. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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2. ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012118 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012118
Efforts to Improve Mathematics Teacher Competency
Through Training Program on Design Olympiad Mathematics
Problems Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills in The
Junior High School
A Arnellis1, E Z Jamaan 1, N Amalita 1
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Abstract. The goal to analyse a improvement of teacher competence after being trained in
preparing high-order math olympicad based on high order thinking skills in junior high school
teachers in Pesisir Selatan Regency. The sample of these activities are teachers at the MGMP
junior high school in Pesisir Selatan District. Evaluation of the implementation is done by
giving a pre test and post test, which will measure the success rate of the implementation of
this activities. The existence of the devotion activities is expected to understand the enrichment
of mathematics olympiad material and training in the preparation of math olympiad questions
for the teachers of South Pesisir district junior high school, motivating and raising the interest
of the participants in order to follow the mathematics olympiad with the enrichment of
mathematics materials and the training of problem solving about mathematics olympiad for
junior high school teachers, the participants gain experience and gain insight, as well as the ins
and outs of junior mathematics olympiad and implement to teachers and students in olympic
competitions. The result of that the post-test is better than the result of pretest in the training of
mathematics teacher competence improvement in composing the mathematics olympiad
problem based on high order thinking skills of junior high school (SMP) in Pesisir Selatan
District, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
1. Introduction
Teacher professionalism is often associated with three important factors, namely competence,
certification, and professional allowance. These three factors are predicted to affect the quality of
education. Given the results achieved by teachers in Pesisir Selatan District of junior high schools
due to the poor quality of the learning process experienced by post-certified teachers and the behavior
of less professional teachers. This can be seen from the low level of teacher competence, especially the
absence of teachers who can represent SMP mathematics teachers olympiad from Pesisir Selatan
district to national level. This is also supported by the achievements of students who have also never
represented the mathematics olympiad to the national scale.
Based on observations and interviews with partners, some math teachers in the Pesisir Selatan
district, have difficulties in making mathematics olympiad questions related to the material learned in
school. They are used to making routine questions. Teachers' reality, it seems that most other teachers
in Pesisir Selatan District of SMP are simply composing questions, modifying existing questions,
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3. ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012118 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012118
making no questions from scratch. In terms of making the problem. It is not an easy job, at least for
the mathematics olympiad. Even teachers cannot make things right, but surprisingly these teachers do
not seem to have any problem with the problem-making technique. The teachers are calm, never
bothered it. Indeed, there has never been a fuss about whether the teacher can make the Mathematics
Olympiad question. But how can it be skillful if there is no right foundation on how to create a
question, where it should be based on mathematics mathematics material.
Currently there are many books available bank of the bank that is easily obtained by the teacher or
if diligently can arrange it themselves. That way the teacher with arbitrarily arranged the question, but
they are constrained to make a matter of mathematics olympiad. Teachers need to get the knowledge
of how to make a good and right question it is not just making a routine matter, or modify it. But it can
make a problem in accordance with the demands of the Mathematics Olympiad based on high order
thinking skills (HOTS) Development of teacher competence and professionalism can be done through
the effort of coaching and empowerment of teachers. Thus, it is necessary to improve the quality of
service learning. So that the partner of mathematics teacher conclude need to improve its special
competence in making math olympiad problem based on higher order thinking skills.
To facilitate the improvement of SMP teachers 'competence in Pesisir Selatan district, the
researchers conducted research that could help the problems of teachers' limitations in doing math
problems for the HOTS-based Olympic level so they could provide briefings to their outstanding
students. One of the programs that need to be done is the enrichment of mathematics learning
materials for teachers in junior high schools, and training on making problems about mathematics
based on HOTS. Thus, the improvement of teacher competence is expected to give implication to the
students, namely the formation of students in the mathematics olympiad group so it is expected to
carve the achievements in various mathematics events. The results of the evaluation conducted by the
mathematics teacher of the SMP Pesisir Selatan district along with the research team of Mathematics
Department of Universitas Negeri Padang, it is known that the weaknesses done by teachers
concerning the main factors are the limitations of the Olympic material book, the lack of training on
teacher competence improvement, especially in the preparation of Mathematics Olympiad.
Based on the above factors, then the problem formulated is "Is there a positive improvement of the
competence of teachers after being given training in preparing math olympiad problems based on
higher order thinking skills in junior high school teachers in Pesisir Selatan regency?". The materials
that will be submitted related to the improvement of teacher competence in designing Mathematics
based Mathematics based on HOTS are as follows: 1. Enrichment of mathematics learning materials
that are very useful as a basis for problem solving equivalent of math mathematics olympiad problems.
From the results of material enrichment produced a summary of mathematics olympiad material. This
activity includes tutorials as well as discussions and explorations. 2. Training to make math
mathematics olympiad problems, which emphasized more on strategies to make non-routine questions
as well as on HOTS issues. From the results of training generated bank about mathematics olympiad.
3. Discussion of mathematical problem solving strategy that has been designed. 4. Implementation of
the results of this training in the classroom by providing an example of the Olympic questions related
to the given material.
1.1 The Olympiad of Mathematics Based High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
The Olympic materials are basically sourced from curricula applicable to mathematics, textbooks,
supporting books and other relevant materials. For Mathematics, the materials tested are questions of
exploration, reasoning, creativity and conceptual understanding through the use of props. Especially
for math, the material tested is non-routine questions with a high degree of difficulty for the size of
junior high school students. Non-routine questions are a) Unique issues that require creative thinking,
logic, and in-depth analysis. b) Can not be solved only by using the formula alone. c) It takes longer to
complete, compared to routine questions According to NCTM (National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics), school mathematics standards include standard content or materials and process
standards. Process standards include problem solving, reasoning and verification, interconnection,
4. ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012118 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012118
communication and representation. NCTM suggests that both material standards and process standards
are collectively the basic skills and understanding that students in this 21st century need. Therefore, it
is necessary to refer to international standard problems as having: 1) measuring high-order thinking
ability (HOTS); 2) based on contextual issues; and 3) using various test forms. These characteristics
will be used as a reference for the preparation of problems at the level of educational unit.
Characteristics of international standard questions are in line with the development of assessment
models in the Curriculum 2013, which lead learners to have high-level thinking skills, intelligent,
creative, and able to contribute in the world civilization.
1.2 HOTS Problem Development
The development of the HOTS problem requires various criteria in terms of both the content form and
the subject matter content. The technique of writing HOTS questions either in the form of multiple
choice or description is generally the same as writing low level questions, but there are some
distinguishing features. There are several ways that authors can be asked to write items that require
high-level thinking, that the material to be questioned is measured by behavior in accordance with
Bloom's cognitive domain at the level of analysis, synthesis and evaluation, in which each question is
given the basic question ( stimulus) and the question of measuring the ability to think critically. To
develop the HOTS problem the teacher requires a prior understanding in terms of high-level thinking
in Bloom's Taxonomy and how to develop the HOTS problem. Indicators of high-level thinking skills
are divided into five groups (Krathwohl, 2002) namely; provide a simple explanation, build basic
skills, conclude, make further explanations and organize strategies and tactics. Skills in these five
high-thinking groups are detailed again as follows: a). Providing a simple explanation consists of the
skills of focusing questions, analyzing arguments, asking questions and answering questions. b)
Building basic skills consists of adapting to sources, observing and reporting observations. c)
Summing up consists of skill in considering conclusions, generalizing and evaluating. d) Make further
explanations of the examples define the terms and make definitions. e) Setting strategies and tactics
for example determines an action and interacts with others and communicates. High-level thinking
skills, among others, can be trained through problem-solving in the form of a variety of questions.
1.3 Teacher Competency Improvement
The purpose of improving teacher competence through teacher training is to improve the teaching and
learning process in which teachers and students are involved, through a series of actions, guidance and
direction. Improvement of teaching and learning process through the improvement of professional
teachers is expected to contribute to improving the quality of education (Mulyasa, 2009). In relation to
the training program in preparing the problem, the writing about mathematics olympiad is one of the
activities of teacher profession development, not as the final destination but is actually a vehicle to
report the activities that have been done by teachers to improve the quality of education, especially the
learning in school. MGMP (Deliberation Teachers Subject) is a forum or a forum of professional
activities of teachers of similar subjects in the studio and in each school consisting of two elements of
deliberation and subject teachers. In the MGMP is expected to improve the professional competence
of teachers in implementing quality learning according to the needs of learners. The container of this
profession is indispensable in contributing to the increased competence of its members. The
enrichment and training model for improving teachers' competence in making mathematics olympiad
problems is expected to be a better value so that this enrichment and training model can be replicated
more widely to teachers in other districts / cities to be formed to optimize teacher activities in MGMP
Mathematics. Furthermore, it is expected to make a summary of mathematics mathematics material of
SMP and bank about mathematics mathematics junior high school that can be used in MGMP
Mathematics junior high school activity at provincial level
5. ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012118 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012118
2. Methods
Implementation of research in the form of material enrichment training and workshop. Enrichment of
material given about mathematics olympiad. Meanwhile, the training / workshop was used for the
problem-solving activities by junior high school teachers in the MGMP Pesisir Selatan district.
Implementation of the steps in conducting the research are as follows: 1. Initially, all participants are
given an initial evaluation, with the quality of the matter equivalent to mathematical olympiad that has
been prepared and compiled and has been tested. A preliminary evaluation of a pre-test is useful for
exploring initial capabilities as a foothold to determine which materials should be given. 2. Based on
the initial test, then investigated / analyzed which material material should be given intensive. 3. Based
on the analytical results in step 2, the participants are given the enrichment of materials that are
considered not to be mastered by the participants. 4. Furthermore, after considered sufficient
enrichment of the material then the next step is to provide training in preparing math olympiad math
problems. 5. To measure the success of the participants, the final evaluation will be given a useful
post-test to see the level of progress after the participants have been given enrichment and training on
the mathematics olympiad. The success indicators of this evaluation activity are: 1. The teacher's
knowledge of mathematics mathematics material increases, with pay attention to the increase of pre
test value to the test post 2. More than 75% of teachers who participated in this activity were able to
compile the problem of HOTS-based mathematics. 3. The level of participants' satisfaction from the
results of the activity questionnaire exceeds 3 on scale 4.
3. Results and Discussion
Description of data in mathematics teacher competence was obtained after being given pretest and
postest on the sample, that is teacher of mathematics study of SMP Negeri as Pesisir Selatan Regency
in Lesson Year 2017/2018. Pretest and Postest competence of math teacher as Pesisir Selatan Regency
followed by 66 people. The results of pretest and posttest analysis can be seen in Table 1 below:
Table 1. The Results of Analysis Pretest and Postest
Number Deviation
Max Min
Test of Mean Variance Standar
Score Score
Pretest 66 62.5 17.5 41.52 167.96 12.96
Postest 66 90 12.5 54.85 170.04 13.04
Table 1 shows that the highest value obtained from the pretest result is 62.5 while the highest value
obtained from the postest result is 90. In addition, the average pretest result obtained is 41.52 whereas
the average postest result obtained is 90. From the description, it shows that there is an increase of
mathematics teacher competency of SMPN in Pesisir Selatan Regency after being given training.
When viewed from the variance of pretest and posttest results that the variance of posttest results is
greater than the variance of pretest results. This shows that posttest result of SMPN Mathematics
Teacher Competence in South Pesisir Regency is more varied than the result of pretest of SMPN
Mathematics Teacher Competition in South Pesisir District. Thus it can be concluded that the postest
result is better than the result of pretest on the competence of mathematics teacher of SMPN in Pesisir
Selatan Regency in the academic year 2017/2018. Data analysis This analysis aims to test the
hypothesis. To test the hypothesis first tested the normality and homogeneity test variance data pretest
and postest results using minitab software. Test of Normality of Pretest and Postest Result Data The
normality test of pretest and posttest data is performed using Anderson-Darling test. The hypothesis
used is as follows:
H0: The data follows a normal distribution.
H1: The data does not follow a normal distribution.
Based on normality test result that P value from pretest result and P value from posttest result are
0.048 and < 0.005 respectively. Since the value of P obtained is smaller than the specified significant
6. ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012118 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012118
level, ie α = 0.05 it can be concluded that the pretest and posttest data are not normally distributed
(reject H0).
Hypothesis testing
Based on normality test results obtained that the data pretest and postest results are not normally
distributed. Therefore, hypothesis testing is done by nonparametric test, ie Mann-Whitney Test. The
hypothesis used in the Mann-Whitney test is as follows:
H0 : ̃ ̃
H1 : ̃ ̃
̃ = Median from postest result
̃ = Median from pretest result
Based on hypothesis test results obtained that the value of P is 0.000. That is, the P value is less than
the specified significance level, ie α = 0.05. This shows that with the result of hypothesis test that
median value of result of postest is higher than median value of pretest result. Thus, it can be
concluded that the posttest result is better than the result of pretest on the competence of mathematics
teacher SMPN Pesisir Selatan
4. Conclusion
There is a positive improvement of teacher competence after being trained in preparing high-order
math olympics based on high order thinking skills in junior high school teachers in Pesisir Selatan
Regency. This is indicated by the result of the hypothesis test that the median of postest result is
higher than median of pretest result. So it can be concluded that the posttest result is better than the
result of pretest in the training of mathematics teacher competence improvement in composing the
mathematics olympics problem based on high order thinking skills of SMPN in Pesisir Selatan
5. Acknowledgments
The authors would like thank to Education Office of Pesisir Selatan District, principal of MGMP
Pesisir Selatan and Teachers for supporting facilities in this research.
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