Structure of the DNA

This is an MCQ-based quiz on the topic of the Structure of DNA.

This includes Full-Form of DNA, DNA Diagram, DNA Structure, Chargaff’s Rules, DNA Replication, DNA Function, Why DNA is called a Polynucleotide Molecule? and many more.

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DNA fingerprinting recognizes the differences in

satellite DNA bulk DNA Repetitive DNA both (a) and (c)

The process of DNA replication is affected by an enzyme known as

Mutase Ligase Polymerase I Ribonuclease

The process of DNA replication is affected by an enzyme known as _________.

Mutase Ligase Polymerase I Ribonuclease

In DNA, the enzyme which breaks the H2 bonds is _________.

Ligase Helicase Topoisomerase Polymerase

The type of coiling in DNA is _________.

Zig-zag Left-handed Opposite Right-handed

The total DNA comprises what amount of cytoplasmic DNA in cells?

95-99% 65-75% 45-50% 1-5%

What is the length of the DNA double helix, if the total number of bp (base pair) is 6.6 x 109?

2.2 m/bp 2.5 m/bp 2.2 m 2.5 m

The DNA of the E. coli is scattered throughout the cell.

True False

What are the set of positively charged basic proteins called as?

Histidine DNA RNA Histones

What are the thread-like stained structures present in the nucleus known as?

Chromosome Chromatid Chromatin Chloroplast

How many bp are present in a typical nucleosome?

200 bp 100 bp 300 bp 90 bp

______ force can stabilize a DNA double-helix .

Hydrophilic sugar-phosphate groups are found on the exterior of the helix where interaction with water occurs

Hydrophobic bases are present in the interior of the helix, each base-pair is stabilized by the same number of hydrogen bonds

Covalent base stacking interactions may take place between neighbouring bases within the same strand in the helix

Non-covalent N-glycosidic bonds may form between nitrogenous bases in opposite strands in the helix

A DNA molecule in which both strands have radioactive thymidine is permitted to replicate in an environment that contains non-radioactive thymidine. What is the right number of DNA molecules which possess some radioactive thymidine post three duplications?

One such molecule

Two such molecules

Four such molecules

Eight such molecules

In this type of DNA replication, of the two newly formed molecules, one is purely a new one and the other is an old one




Both (b) and (c)

This cell organelle does not contain DNA

Nucleus Mitochondria Lysosomes Chloroplast
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Structure of the DNA
Questions: 15
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