Nouns and Adjectives or Adverbs in Two Blank Texts

This is an MCQ-based Verbal section quiz for GRE, which include questions on Nouns and Adjectives or Adverbs in Two Blank Texts.

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The old man was known by all to be a              . He spent little on himself and was particularly               with the needs and wants of his family.

cheapskate . . . pecuniary troglodyte . . . ebbulient scrooge . . . nasty miser . . . parsimonious rake . . . effusive

One could call the small town rather  __________, for most of its inhabitants knew little more than the saws and  ____________ repeated for generations by others who had not left the same locality.

pedantic . . . legalities insular . . . maxims magnanimous . . . advice boring . . . hammers Lilliputian . . . lessons

The notoriously  _________ boss often seemed like he loved talking to his employees, while many other times he dismissed them with short answers and seemed like a  __________  .

mercurial . . . misanthrope melancholy . . . dolt gregarious . . . misanthrope melancholy . . . hypochondriac mercurial . . . dolt

The text"s meaning was so __________ that no __________ could make it truly understandable.

arrogant . . . refutation resplendent . . . pontification equivocal . . . debunking loquacious . . . parsimony obscure . . . exegesis

Claire’s __________ of the cold was understandable since it was directly __________ to her love of the summer heat.

admiration . . . antitheical admiration . . . harmonious veneration . . . antithetical antipathy . . . harmonious antipathy . . . antithetical

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. From the time of her birth, the girl had been __________, always disobeying the __________ of her elders.

childish . . . recommendations refractory . . . injunctions unflinching . . . sagacity vexing . . . tedium willful . . . insights

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. The young street fighter’s attitude matched his demeanor in the fighting ring; it was quite __________ and could leave cutting psychological wounds as damaging as any physical __________.

fanatical . . . blow bombastic . . . trauma high-toned . . . hurt pugnacious . . . laceration tumid . . . bruise

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. Reactions to the novelist’s most recent work are surprisingly polarized; if a review is not a(n) __________ celebrating the work"s modern elements, it is a __________ critique perceiving the same elements as blatant flaws.

panegyric . . . caustic diatribe . . . verbose encomium . . . deferent eulogy . . . dispassionate complaint . . . fervent

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence. Suzy thought Kevin would prove to be ­­­­­­­­­­­__________, but she discovered instead that his behavior was such a model of __________ that he could never be considered a spendthrift.

salubrious . . . prudence profligate . . . piety abstemious . . . dissipation perfidious . . . reticence prodigal . . . frugality

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence. Although the politican contested the claims as pure __________, the journalist guaranteed they were __________.

calumny . . . indubitable guile . . . stolid drivel . . . ephemeral torpor . . . specious hearsay . . . fastidious
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Nouns and Adjectives or Adverbs in Two Blank Texts
Questions: 10
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