Mole-Mass Conversions

Converting from moles of a substance to mass of a substance requires simple multiplication. Multiply the moles of the substance by its molar mass from the periodic table will provide the solution. For example, if you want to know the mass of two moles of water, multiply two by water's molar mass, which is 18 grams. 18 * 2 = 36. So the mass of two moles of water is 36 g. This quiz will cover simple mole-mass conversions. You will need a periodic table and a calculator. Select the best answer from the choices.

Start Quiz

Convert 3.57 moles of aluminum to grams.

86 g

96 g

90 g

34 g

What is the mass of 4.26 moles of silicon?

120 g

119 g

118 g

110 g

What is the mass of 3.45 moles of cobalt?

124 g

204 g

342 g

420 g

Convert 2.45 moles of zinc to grams of zinc.

120 g

128 g

139 g

165 g

If you have 5.22 moles of helium, how much helium do you have?

10 g

19 g

21 g

20 g

36.0 g of Be contains how many moles?

4 mol

3.20 mol

3.21 mol

2.35 mol

How many moles are in 22 g of argon? 

4 moles

34 moles

0. 55 moles

1.23 moles

What is the molar mass of NaOH?

40 g/mole

44 g/mole

24 g/mole

20 g/mole

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Mole-Mass Conversions
Questions: 8
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