Introducing the Basic Concepts of Chemical Reactions

This quiz contains multiple-choice problems on mole balances, reactions rates and classification.

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Which of the following statements is true about a catalyst?

A catalyst remains unchanged in mass at the end of the reaction The chemical composition of catalyst changes at the end of the reaction Catalyst initiates the reaction Catalyst changes the position of reaction equilibrium

The chemical reaction rate is a/an

Extensive property

Intensive property

Chemical property

Physical property

The general mole balance equation of species ‘i’ at any instant is as follows

Rate of moles of ‘i’ in = Rate of moles of ‘i’ out

Rate of moles of ‘i’ in + Rate of moles of ‘i’ out = Rate of moles of ‘i’ accumulated

Rate of moles of ‘i’ in + Rate of moles of ‘i’ accumulated = Rate of moles ‘i’ out

Rate of moles of ‘i’ in – Rate of moles of ‘i’ consumed by reaction – Rate of moles of ‘i’ out = Rate of moles of ‘i’ accumulated

In __, there are no spatial variations in concentration and temperature.


Tubular reactor


Packed bed reactor

The kinetic rate law is a/an

Differential equation

Linear equation

Algebraic equation

Quadratic equation

The extent of a reaction achieved does not depend on the shape of the reactor in a PFR. True or false?



The unit for rate of reaction for a homogeneous reaction is

mol/s. g catalyst

mol/s. mmHg

mol/s. m^3

mol/s. m^2

The rate of gaseous phase reactions depends on

Temperature of reactants only

Pressure of reactants only

Concentration of reactants only

Temperature, pressure and concentration of reactants

A bimolecular reaction is the one in which

One reactant molecule is transformed to product

Two product molecules are formed

Two reactant molecules produce product(s)

No reaction occurs

An example of termolecular reactions is

The decomposition of cyclobutane

The decomposition of hydrogen Iodide

The decomposition of ammonia

The oxidation of nitric oxide

Which of the following represents heterogeneous catalytic reactions?

Burning of coal

Roasting of ores

Ammonia synthesis

Reduction of iron ore

The mole balance equation for a perfectly mixed batch reactor is

dN{i}/dt = 0

dN{i}/dt = r{i}.V

dN{i}/dt = ∫r{i}.dV

dN{i}/dt = r{i}

The unit for rate of reaction for a fluid-solid catalytic reaction is

mol/m^3. s

mol/s. g catalyst

mol/s. mmHg

mol/dm^3. s

–r{A} is a universal notation for reaction rate. What does the negative sign indicate?

Rate of formation of A

Rate of disappearance of A

Rate of dissociation of A

Rate of association of A

The formation of HBr proceeds by

Free radical, non-chain reaction mechanism

Free radical, chain reaction mechanism

Molecular intermediates, non-chain reaction mechanism

Transition complexes, non-chain reaction mechanism

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Introducing the Basic Concepts of Chemical Reactions
Questions: 15
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