Hydrogen: Simplest Atomic Structure Among all the Elements Around us in Nature

In this quiz, you will find questions related to the Hydrogen element, its properties, its reactions with other elements, and its uses.

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Which of the following is hydrogen’s electronic configuration?

1s1 1s2 2s1 2s2

The freezing point of heavy water is

0°C 3.8°C 4°C 1°C

Which of the following hydrides are generally nonstochiometric in nature?

Ionic Hydrides Molecular Hydrides Interstitial Hydrides All of the Above.

What is the product of the reaction of H2O2 with Cl2?

O2 + HOCl HCl + O2 H2O + HCl HCl + H2

Water shows anomalous behavior between

0 to 4°C 0 to 5°C 0 to -4°C 4 to 0°C

Which of the following statements regarding hydrogen peroxide is/ are incorrect?

As aerating agent in production of sponge rubber As an antichlor For restoring white colour of blackened lead painting All of the above

Which of the following statements is correct ?

It has oxidation number of –1 and +1 It will not be liberated at anode Hydrogen has same electronegativity as halogens Hydrogen has same IP as alkali metals

Why does H+ ion always get associated with other atoms or molecules?

Loss of an electron from hydrogen atom results in a nucleus of very small size as compared to other atoms or ions. Due to small size it cannot exist free. It resembles both alkali metals and halogens Its reactivity is similar to halogens Ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen resembles that of alkali metals

The element that is known as Rogue element is ________





Which of the following element is an alkali as well as halogen?





The atomic number of hydrogen is 1.



Hydrogen is a ___________________





Hydrogen can behave as a metal

At very high pressure

At very low pressure

At very low temperature

At very high temperature

The property of hydrogen which distinguishes it from alkali metals is

Its non-metallic character

Its reducing character

Its affinity for non metal

Its electropositive character

Hydrogen accepts an electron to form inert gas configuration. In this it resembles



Alkali metals

Alkaline earth metals

Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Hydrogen: Simplest Atomic Structure Among all the Elements Around us in Nature
Questions: 15
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