Tips To Help You Get Ready For Exam Day

Exam time has come and one has to be well prepared. After practicing the syllabus all day long, now it’s time to make yourself confident and ready for the day.

Students should have a clear idea about the exam structure, how much time they can spend on each question, and how much is expected from them in each question.

When you have spent so much time preparing for the exam, don’t leave the exam day to chance. Here’s how you can make sure that you are ready.

Below are a few tips to help you get your students ready for exam day

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Tip #1: Take a meal before your exam

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because the time span between breakfast and dinner is the largest that our body goes without refueling. Studies have shown that taking a good breakfast that includes cereals, carbohydrates, and vitamins helps in improving your memory and concentration power. Furthermore, researches have shown that those who take healthy breakfast daily have lower levels of stress and anxiety.

Tip #2: Take plenty of water with you

Exams are alone stressful enough but the fear of being late makes it even worse for the students. Being late tends to increase anxiety/stress. So, start your journey to the exam venue 15 minutes prior to what you were going to.

Water is considered one of the best sources to reduce anxiety/stress. Thus taking water with you on exam day is a good idea.

Tip #3: Avoid people who stress you out

When it comes to school, there is a better saying “you are the average of five people you spend most of the time with”. On the morning of your exam day meet people who make you feel calm and confident. Avoid spending time with those people who stress you out and make you feel negative.

Tip #4: Remind yourself of all your hard work and preparation

This is one of the best ways to boost your confidence while going into the exam. Take a moment to think about all those hours of hard work, patience, and struggle, these things will help you assure your victory. This technique is often used by athletes to build up confidence before their game. At this time reminding yourself of your previous successes can also boost your confidence.

Tip #5: Remind yourself of your exam strategy

A legendary American football coach Bill Walsh wrote a great book, “The Score Takes Care Of Itself”, in which he had told about his leadership philosophy. His approach was to just focus on executing the game and not to worry about goal tally. Then he said if you do this, the result will take care of itself.

The same is true for exams. You should focus only on your exam strategy which includes how much time you spent per question, which questions to attempt first, reading each question, writing five minutes of rough notes before attempting any large question/numerical, and focusing less on what grades you might get. If you face any doubts in your exam paper, you can ask your investigator, they will certainly have some answers to your doubt.

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Tip #6: Pause for a minute and take some deep breaths

When students are under-pressure or time constraints, in such conditions they generally start rushing and making silly mistakes that cost marks.

Focus on taking deep breaths that will help you slow down. Scientifically, it helps you to lower your blood pressure and reduce tension. By doing so you paused yourself for a moment to fully assess the situation, come up with a plan and decide the best course of action.

When you have spent so much time working and revising for exams you cannot let the last few hours ruin that grind. Nothing can guarantee you success but the tips above would certainly help you to give yourself the best chance of demonstrating your knowledge when it matters a lot.

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Contributed by:
Chester Ammons