DANCE Traning

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Dance is one of the most powerful forms of human expression, and therefore it is a powerful means of communication
1. Dance Therapy
Dance and movement therapy is explained as treatment of body or mental disorders
by psychological means to improve emotional, social, cognitive, and
physical coordination of people, for the purpose of making them healthier and
happier. In the 1940s people who were professional dancers started to understand
the advantage of using dance and movement as a form of psychotherapy. It is
a holistic method of healing based on the observed evidence that body and soul
cannot be separated and are connected; changes in the body and mind affect each
Body movement by nature is known to have a lot of benefits like reducing stress and
pain and even it improves the brain health. In fact, researchers understand that most
of our daily communication is nonverbal, and upsetting or bad memories are
translated, saved and stored in nonverbal parts of the brain. We also know that stress
and bad experiences live in the body. So it makes sense that through interactive
instruction, movement can be used to tell stories, express and release emotions and
help people move forward.
2. Research shows that dance and movement therapy can increase people’s sense of
being good enough, improve their ability to manage their emotions and reactions
and give them power to get rid of their problems. Perhaps the best evidence for
dance and movement therapy isn’t what the eyes cannot see. However, it is what
eyes can see: people releasing their streamers, negative emotions and
memories, waving goodbye to them and looking ahead to a new day.