This is an MCQ-based quiz on Noise.
This includes Bandpass filter, Bandstop filter, Low pass filter, High pass filter, Shot noise, Partition noise, Industrial noise, and Flicker noise.
Which occurs due to equilibrium fluctuations?
In PWM signal reception, the Schmitt trigger circuit is used
Shot noise is
Flicker noise is called as
Shot noise is avoidable when current is
Which has the same power spectral density?
Shot noise is produced by
Two functions are called as orthogonal if on integrating the product we get
Which offers better SQNR?
SQNR can be improved by _______ sampling rate.
Low frequency noise is
Noise power at the resistor is affected by the value of the resistor as
Noise is added to a signal in a communication system
Notch filter is a
For a two stage amplifier, first amplifier has Voltage gain = 20, Input Resistance Rin1=700Ω, equivalent Resistance Req1=1800Ω and Output Resistor Ro1 = 30KΩ. The corresponding values of second amplifier are : 25, 80 KΩ, 12 KΩ, 1.2 MΩ respectively. What is the value of equivalent input noise resistance of the given two stage amplifier?
The Noise Factor for cascaded amplifiers (FN) is given by (F1, F2, F3 .. FN, G1, G2, G3….GN) are the noise factors and the gains of the amplifiers at different stages:
Noise Factor(F) and Noise Figure(NF) are related as
Noise factor for a system is defined as the ratio of
In Hilbert transform of a signal, the phase angles of all components of a given signal are shifted by
The noise voltage (Vn) and the signal bandwidth (B) are related as