Knowing Rational Numbers

This is an MCQ-based quiz on Knowing Rational Numbers.

This includes Integer, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.

Start Quiz

Which of the following statements is false ?

Natural numbers are closed under addition Whole numbers are closed under addition Integers are closed under addition Rational numbers are not closed under addition.

0 is not

a natural number a whole number an integer a rational number.

(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) is called

commutative law for multiplication commutative law for addition associative law for additioni associative law for multiplication.

a × b = b × a is called

Commutative law for addition

Commutative law for multiplication

Associative law for addition

Associative law for multiplication.

a + b = b + a is called

Commutative law of addition

Associative law of addition

Distributive law of addition

None of these.

Which of the following is the identity element under addition?

1 -1 0 None of these

Which of the following is the reciprocal of the reciprocal of a rational number?

-1 1 0 The number itself

Which of the following is the Multiplicative identity for rational numbers?

1 -1 0 None of these

________ is not associative for rational numbers.

Subtraction or Division Addition or Multiplication Addition or Division Multiplication or Division

Which of the following is the reciprocal of a rational number?

-1 1 2 Both a and b

On a number line, the arrangement of numbers is as follows _________

Negative -> 0 -> positive Positive -> 0 -> negative Positive -> 0 -> positive Negative -> 0 -> negative

[….., -1, 0, 1, …….] the given set shows which type of numbers?

Rational numbers Integers Natural numbers Whole numbers

The number line for natural numbers is ____________

The line that extends indefinitely on both sides

The line that extends indefinitely to the right, but from 0

The line that extends indefinitely only to the right side of 1

The line that extends indefinitely on both sides, but you can see numbers only between –1, 0 and 0, 1 etc

The maximum number of integers between two consecutive natural numbers is ________





-8 is ____ than 8 and -12 is ____ than -9.

Greater and Smaller

Smaller and Greater

Greater and Greater

Smaller and Smaller

An integer can be:

Only Positive Only Negative Both positive and negative None of the above

A rational number can be represented in the form of:

p/q pq p+q p-q

The value of ½ x ⅗ is equal to:

½ 3/10

The value of (½) ÷ (⅗) is equal to:

3/10 6/5

The value of ½ + ¼ is equal to:

¾ 3/2 1
Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Knowing Rational Numbers
Questions: 20
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