Electronic Instruments

This is an MCQ-based quiz on Electronic Instruments.

This includes Sinusoidal wave, Cosine wave, and Sawtooth wave

Start Quiz

An ammeter is connected in …………….. with the circuit element whose current we wish to measure

Series Parallel Series or parallel None of the above

A galvanometer in series with a high resistance is called ……………

An ammeter A voltmeter A wattmeter None of the above

An ammeter should have ………….. resistance

Infinite Very large Very low None of the above

A voltmeter is connected in a ………….. with the circuit component across which potential difference is to be measured

Parallel Series Series or parallel None of the above

A voltmeter should have ………. resistance

Zero Very high Very low None of the above

In olden days voltmeters were __________

Made of transistors

Made of vaccum tubes

Made of transformers

Made of diodes

Modern day voltmeters are made of __________

Made of transformers

Made of vaccum tubes

Made of transistors and diodes

Made of insulated iron coils

FETVM is __________

An ammeter

A galvanometer

A multimeter

A voltmeter

Electronic voltmeters are __________


Large in size

Not portable

Difficult to use

Dynamic range of electronic voltmeter is __________





Quiz/Test Summary
Title: Electronic Instruments
Questions: 10
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