Reading Comprehension - Passage: Biomes

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An insightful passage on biomes complete with questions testing the reader's comprehension

Tags: English Studies, Reading, Grade 3
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‘© 2016 Cassandra Donoian

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of the land

of the water

not living

the weather, including
temperature and rainfall, of an
area over a period of time

‘© 2016 Cassandra Donoian,

4. All About
Biomes are regions that together make up the Earth’s surface.
They are classified based on factors of the region's environment.
First, a biome is unique in its abiotic factors such as climate and
soil type. Climate is the general weather conditions, like
temperature and rainfall, in an area over time. Second, each
biome consists of specific biotic factors, which are plants and
animals that can live there. Plants and animals belonging to a
biome have qualities that allow them to survive in its area. For
example, a cactus needs a hot, dry climate to survive so it grows
in the desert.
Biomes on land are called terrestrial biomes, and biomes in the
water are aquatic biomes.
Each biome has sub-biomes that have their own ecosystems.
Scientists have different ideas of how many major biomes there
are. Many say there are five major biomes, but others count
sub-biomes as major biomes as well. The five major biomes that
many scientists agree on are aquatic biomes, grasslands, deserts,
forests, and tundra.

Desert Biome Grassland Biome

Forest Biome Tundra Biome

‘© 2016 Cassandra Donoian
5. All About
Finding Text Evidence
Find the answer in the text and use the appropriate color to highlight your
evidence. Then answer the question in your own words.
What Is the difference between terrestrial and aquatic biomes?

What abiotic factors can be used to classify a biome?

What biotic factors can be used to classify a biome?

How do scientists disagree on the number of blomes that exist?

What are the five major biomes?

‘© 2016 Cassandra Donoian,
6. Al About

Desert Biome

Grassland Biome

Forest Biome

cee |

1. of the water
3. living
4. not living
6. the number of major
biomes most scientists
agree on
7. of the land

2. the weather, including
temperature and rainfall,
of an area over a period
of time
. regions that together
make up the Earth's

‘© 2016 Cassandra Donoian,

Each biome comes with differentiated reading
passages for 3 reading levels with grade level
equivalents of 2.5 (mid-2™4 grade) to 5.5 (mid-5");
Using Text Features


Click on the resource covers below to check out each biomes
unit, biomes bundle options, and the biomes word wall 4

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