
WhizKidz Tutoring

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WhizKidz tutors come from a variety of educational backgrounds.  Most are current teachers in New York and all have a Masters Degree to teach children. The tutors stress understanding concepts rather than memorizing facts and always focus on building confidence in their students to provide the highest level of success.  Clients will receive detailed backgrounds about their tutors at time of placement.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available Maths Algebra I Algebra II / Trigonometry Geometry
event_available Language Arts English Language Arts
event_available History US History Global History and Geography
event_available Biology Living Environment
event_available Science Earth Science Physics
event_available Middle School Reading Writing Mathematics Foreign Languages Social Studies Science Executive Function Coaching
event_available Elementary School Our certified tutors are skilled in every subject, including Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Foreign Languages, and Executive Function Coaching. Elementary tutoring can include implementing top-notch educational programs, including Orton Gillingham, Writing Revolution, and Wilson’s Reading System.
event_available Test prep SAT ACT AP ISEE




Languages Known


WhizKidz Tutoring is a top notch tutoring service for students of all ages. We offer a wide range of education services in Westchester and Long Island, New York.

SAT Prep ISEE Prep Maths Algebra English Earth Science Mathematics Physics Language Arts Elementary School Test prep Trigonometry Geometry Science Social Studies History Geography Biology Middle School