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Tuitionworks is a leading educational centre known for inspiring and nurturing academic excellence located in Hindmarsh. Courses are held on our premises and we offer students weekly lessons as well as homework help classes, exams, holiday courses and more. We provide students with a curriculum of the highest quality in a supportive and caring environment.

Tuitionworks provides small group tuition for primary and secondary school students. Each student studies according to a tailor made learning system based on ability, not age or school grade. We have an extensive range of learning materials and resources, which are based on the national curriculum. Our dedicated team of tutors ensure your child maximises their academic success and achieves higher levels of thinking.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available UCAT The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an aptitude test designed to assist in the selection process for undergraduate health professional courses. It is delivered by Pearson Vue on behalf of the UCAT ANZ consortium of universities in Australia and New Zealand. The aim is to test a range of cognitive abilities determined by universities to be important in studying medicine, dentistry and clinical sciences. 2022 UCAT Information Registration Opens: 1 March 2022 Registration Deadline: 17 May 2022 Testing Begins: 1 July 2022 Last Testing Date: 12 August 2022 For more information, please head to the official UCAT website: Our UCAT Preparation Classes We offer UCAT classes for both Year 11 and 12 students. Classes run on Saturday afternoon between 1:30-4:30pm. There is a fee of $99 per class, which includes all materials provided in class. Materials are not to leave the Tuitionworks premises, due to copyright restrictions. Why should I attend group UCAT classes? In our classes, students are guided through trial questions on logical reasoning, emotional intelligence and abstract thinking to prepare them for the test. This way when they undertake the test they will be well equipped with the knowledge of how to answer the UCAT style of questions. Further, group classes are an excellent way of learning, as it is always beneficial to see how other students would have answered the questions. For successful course results, it is necessary that all students maintain high standards in all areas. Students must maintain a positive learning attitude and respect for other students, as we are all here to achieve a common goal. If you put 110% into the course, the results will speak for themselves!
event_available Year 11 These programmes are only for Year 11 and Year 10 advanced students. Entry to these classes is determined by academic merit, and is at the discretion of Tuitionworks Staff. Chemistry, Physics, Biology , Maths Methods, Specialist Maths are common prerequisite subjects for many tertiary courses. These subjects are useful not only for university, but also for life. They can be challenging subjects as both the SACE and IB school curricula work quickly through a lot of material. Unfortunately for students, this means that many challenging concepts are rushed through quite quickly without affording students the time and opportunity to practice and solidify their knowledge. Students can find that they need more time than the school curricula provide them in order to fully understand and master these concepts. We aim to provide students with the opportunity to develop their understanding of fundamental concepts in these subjects before they study these subjects in upper secondary at school. Each week the class works through a part of the SACE/IB curriculum. By carefully moving through the curriculum week by week, each topic is thoroughly covered and students are able to recognise both their strengths and their weaknesses. Enough time is devoted to each topic so that students can gain a deep understanding, which is not commonly provided at school. Each week students create notes that provide strong summaries of their course. These notes are extremely helpful as a quick-reference for students when they are in the final stages of studying before their all-important exams.
event_available Secondary Programme English Confidence and competency in English are crucial to success in all areas of study. Our senior English programme is designed not only to maximise your child’s academic success, but to equip him or her with skills that will be of lifelong benefit. The English programme builds students’ capacity to understand, interpret, analyse and compose a full range of text-types, including poetry, reports, recounts, feature articles, letters, reviews, expositions and discussions. It provides students with clear guidelines for tackling a variety of examination styles, ranging from short-answer comprehension questions to full-length essays. The programme also has a strong focus on grammar and punctuation skills, which are essential in producing the type of clear and fluent responses sought by teachers and examiners. Maths In our programme, students are given modules that provide them with the opportunity to develop their understanding of a concept. Tutors demonstrate how to answer various types of questions and provide strategies and methodologies for problem solving and exam techniques. Students attempt questions similar to questions that appear in assessments and answers are then discussed. Common student errors are highlighted so that students can avoid these errors in exams. Science Science, as taught at Tuitionworks, focuses on developing an understanding of the fundamental physical concepts about the world in which we live. We believe comprehension of these concepts is vital to a student’s secondary schooling. In particular, our Science Programme provides a solid base for the transition from basic science to more specialised science courses, such as Chemistry, Biology, and Physics, at the upper secondary level. Students will work individually and cooperatively to develop their individual writing and problem solving skills. The ability of our tutors to teach with a unique high-energy style inspires our science students’ curiosity about the world around them, and increases their interest in learning. Our tutors train students to think logically and analytically, and enable students to produce marks beyond what they and their parents had previously believed possible.
event_available Primary Programme English The aim of the programme is to maximise students’ natural abilities. It caters to the needs of all types of students, from those who find English particularly challenging to those seeking to extend their abilities beyond the basic school curriculum. Mathematics Mathematics is often the subject that students struggle the most with at school, particularly in the primary level. If the basic concepts of using the decimal system, multiplying with large numbers, and understanding fractions and percentages are not understood in early years, students only continue to struggle throughout middle and senior school. The Tuitionworks Maths Programme at the primary level aims to help students with their understanding of mathematics’ fundamental concepts and required abilities in an environment that stimulates students’ interest and improves their confidence. Writing At Tuitionworks, we believe the ability to write well is a life-skill that opens innumerable doors for students. Writing is by far the most important skill in learning, as poor writing skills affect a student’s success in all subjects. Our Writing Programme aims to refine students’ abilities to understand and analyse a variety of text types as well as produce their own structured pieces. This allows students to express their creativity whilst developing their abilities to describe, to utilise a diverse range of vocabulary, to use literary techniques, and to write in different tenses and from different perspectives. Students are also required to write in a variety of text types from information reports, to creative narratives, to high-school style essays. Writing is one of the areas in which students often find it most difficult to achieve marks in the Private School Scholarship Test. Our Writing Programme will provide your students with the skills and techniques needed to stand out in this area and achieve high results.
event_available Preparation For Private School Scholarship Tests Tuitionworks offers a special course for students who are going to apply for a scholarship. This Private School Scholarship Course is usually held in the summer holidays, for students who have just finished Year 5 and are going into Year 6. Students in Year 4 are also welcome to enroll. Entry into this course is very competitive and priority is given to existing Tuitionworks students, so if you are interested in this course please make a booking early. Students who attend our Private School Scholarship Course gain three important benefits: Their academic skills in English, Maths and Writing are not only developed but reinforced and extended to a very advanced level. Examination techniques and time management are taught. Practice exams are given so that when students face the real thing, they will know what to do and it won’t seem so daunting. These skills are not usually taught in most primary schools. Students gain confidence. This is because they know that their skills are well developed. They are accustomed to hard work and competition which are both integral to the educational philosophy of Tuitionworks.




Languages Known

Biology English UCAT Physics Mathematics Secondary Programme Science Primary Programme Preparation For Private School Scholarship Tests Year 11 Chemistry