TUEX Education was founded in 2018 by Alfred Chien, a passionate advocate of equitable access to education. Alfred worked as a tutor for much of his adult life, even when he finished his studies and entered the banking world, he continued to tutor. At one point, Alfred was tutoring 30-40 students. He says, “it became apparent to me early on, that there was a gap in the tutoring market, lower-income families could not afford tutors, and immigrant parents could not find the right tutors for their children.” Alfred realized that socio-economic barriers limited access to quality tutors for many Canadian families and decided that a solution was needed. In 2018, Alfred left his lucrative banking position to create an app-based tutor that ensures high quality, affordable tutors are available to all students. He states, ”as an individual, I could not meet the tutoring demand, so I founded a platform that could.”