
Train The Brain

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At Train the Brain, we hope to impact the lives of students through effective tutoring experiences. Our goal is for students to leave their tutoring sessions not only with the answers to their questions but with an understanding of how to achieve those answers, building competencies as well.

Courses/Programs offered

event_available SAT SAT scores are critical to gaining admission to your preferred college or university. Train The Brain offers live, online SAT Prep courses designed to help students improve test scores. The online SAT test prep courses are facilitated by highly qualified subject matter experts who not only lead students through relative content but also guide learners through time management and SAT test-taking strategies.
event_available Reading
event_available Writing and Language
event_available Math Complex Numbers Geometry Trigonometry, Radians & Progressions Percentage, Simple Interest & Compound Interest Ratio + Proportion Inequalities & Absolute Values Linear Equations I Linear Equations II Functions & Polynomials I Functions & Polynomials II Statistics I Statistics II Data Analysis I Data Analysis II Exponents + Radicals + Random Sampling




Languages Known


Train the Brain offers live, online tutoring and homework help for middle school, high school, college, and graduate-level courses in over 150 subjects. Expect online tutors and fully accredited.

Reading Writing and Language Math Trigonometry Statistics Geometry SAT SAT Prep